
Think about it and give continuity.

Since I started writing about organized crime schemes in the world, I noticed that through the pronouncements of South Yemen U.S. State Department, that the Mafia, Organized crime is related to Global Terrorism, the world has meaning changes from the time that individuals linked to terrorism has fallen under the influence of the Wars.
What can be seen to study and learn from this observation is getting texts from newspapers and newsletters of organs that work directly with the problem of terrorism in their countries and organized crime. In this aspect that the G8 nations also relates Allied connection. Why suffer the same direct and indirect relations of Terrorism and Organized Crime.
Always got FBI publications of the Department of Justice North American They describe successive arrests of executives linked to organized crime schemes. But what we can observe that while the actions of the Armed Forces in North American regions more focused management of the factions in the Terrorist World. Over the last actions of NATO, or NATO or the Organization of the North Atlantic Treaty In regions of Pakistan and Afghanistan, and Libya. Much of the decline observed in Organized Crime. Who used the victories terrorists to settle in the Company's general panic. Organized crime has always been based on the Social Fear. They sell a priori protection, and no property security. Property Security when supervised by the competent organs such services are constitutionally legal. But when you sell protection without the supervision of legal institutions such protections are criminal. But the crime they live, if terrorism does social fear they come with raising money in selling protection that Social Fear.
As terrorism decreases, almost all the Organized Crime will feel weak because their level of business decreases. They need the Waves of Fear. Or in Spanish of "Holas Terror."
I once read an article in the group of lawyers in the state of Espirito Santo said that the social unrest were criminal. One issue they were presented as examples the cases disapproved of their TVs and newspaper editor, participating in police operations. This was condemned by the Supreme Court because it occurred with the social unrest. If the upheavals occur Social spreads fear, and with them the disturbance of the Holas of terrorism, and that consequently the establishment of the Sale of Protection, or rather the action of organized crime that depends on it for a living.
This phenomenon has been studied since 2005 in Tunisia for example feel that their merchants are to become more foreign to the audience that brings the signal to the interested public that the country abroad. They considered that this strange phenomenon was reflected in the habits of Tunisians. Before that they were more relaxed, quieter had their religion as their way of life, but they did what an extremist. This extremism was the initial part of what we know today Disturbance Tunisia. So maybe what happened in Egypt, South Yemen, Ethiopia, and is occurring in Libya.
Since 2005, scholars are speculating that the phenomenon of popular insight, and behavior modification of the merchants are the basis of social noise in Tunisia and from there they take all the thinking as a basis for the noise to countries that are not by coincidence or neighbors (Egypt, Algeria, Libya, Ethiopia, Niger, Chad, Sudan in March with the explosion of the North American Embassy, ​​and at worst almost entirely related kidnappings in Somalia maritime)
For other posts to allow the University of São Paulo because I no longer belong to university, I will publish a further line of study and hypothesis about the Mafia and that the University began to publish blog in Spain and I managed to have the mark of more than 1000 readings in less than three months.
But for now following the editorial Citati miles, as I learned before the university, I will put as a source of reading for a baseline for those who want two materials.
A site of the North American military Militar.com, which depicts significant expertise in the arrest and death by resisting arrest Bin Laden the dead terrorist. These skills are manuscripts seized the moment of capture, and computers.
If you read the transcript and brief analysis, bin Laden refers to areas of significant dates and action in countries that show without any doubt, in recent years an increase in noise Welfare. Look not only observe the most frequent and common acts of terrorism, which are bursts of public areas, but also that before these explosions there is the phenomenon when it comes to Social Sciences, lack of emotional peace in these societies, Fear and Social .
After presenting a story of a Japanese newspaper that describes an interesting statistic that could transform research in social sciences or military, or Crime, which figures in a quantitative, giving a basic search Temporal. For the raw data shows that the largest criminal gang in the country and known worldwide, has diminished since the raids on the country focus of terrorist factions happening. The date of reduction is 1992, and from that time to see the former American president declares war on Iraq, with emphasis on taking the government of that country Implemented by the acts of the international tribunal Executed Saddam Hussein. A man who by his own story begins in the 90s as well as spreading the idea of ​​invasion of allied countries, NATO and many Western countries such as Kuwait and other neighbors such as Saudi Arabia and Israel, also calls for the union Social Commotion religious lines to instill fear and terror through Social Social noise on people in the region and worldwide. In addition to its historical crimes against humanity.
Since then the invasions were arresting and killing the resistance with the arrests the heads of terrorism worldwide and local, which can then justify a significant reflection on the criminal factions scattered throughout the world.
This can be the bridge yes, very well connected to the Al Qaeda terrorist faction, can be a "Firm" globalized much better than the world renowned legal firms, because it can enter the country through these criminal gangs that are installed in their respective countries and know very well the cultures of each country. A basic requirement for a company to be globalized. Adapt to local culture and take your thoughts.
This terrorist faction, can subtilize religious sacraments of each country and then for example by religions can enter the local cultural and social life of that target country. Organized crime is down because of this entry where you have to invest in the Social Fear, and religions in turn is based on sustaining the Emotional have people who seek to have emotional security. If these religions try to make the changes in resistance Acts Mitchell, surely these criminal gangs and seek to undermine teorristas these religions for their installation.
Remembering by  Morale is a direct relationship with culture, and religion is the culture of a place. Would have to look at things in my bibliography of the publication of FFLCH\USP (Faculdade de Filosofia, Letras e Ciencias Humanas da USP) who teaches, as the introductory text is about the relationship and Moral Culture.
With this you guys will understand, because of the number of incidents for example in the Catholic Church, which had already provided for the 80 attacks on the leaders. Do not forget who committed the attack on the late Pope John Paul II. It is a basic cultural and moral stand, but the action of terrorists who seem to not have enough money to keep challenging the biggest war machine on the planet, the United States. If entire countries unite their economies could not buy the entire war machine and its supplies. Some countries can buy some parts. And yet, these terrorist factions arrange a lot of money to be resisting the intent to exterminate them. Daonde would that money?
An exchange of money from the forces of organized crime, the force between horror and terror of terrorism do. A force supports the other. If one decreases the other feels weak.
To bore it and build on their brains, take the lesson of how a former teacher Professor. Darcy Spivisero, and has taught me how to call the USP in the 90's, "we take the scientific basis of a simplified form for all so that they can save time and make deep science."
So I let three texts from different places in the World Culture and respected.
Read in full and their respective languages ​​to translate, and then manage to have a simple base to the subject not as complex as it is already based on counterterrorism and criminal investigations worldwide. But still oblivious to the University as discussed in conferences and symposia. This was one of my goals to the university. Wrote the Law School this idea. Department of International Law in the department and email address of Rector Grandino Wheels. After 20 years of basic university gave me much notice, suicides, rapes, robberies, property, filed a multitude of accidents, the university is still an observation area but, nationally and internationally. I felt responsible to do that because I always had a basis of observation in public places unviersidade, hospitals, infant schools and other popular sites. The distinction in behavior, for example is the significant increase in the search for components of USP community of psychiatrists with extensive queuing delay of months, and psychological care centers with waiting for months as well. That was far less in the decade of 80, increases in the 90 blatant lies and statistics at the university this past decade.
We said at the time that the black cloud hovering over the University. And many students and researchers were losing extensive research by the action of this dark cloud that we called popularly the depression that haunted every corner of the university. To escape the Scientologists then as I was part of the first offspring of depressed by something we did not know where I sheltered in medicine and sports. I sublimated depression that hung in the air, and the behavior was diluted in extensive workouts where all channeled aggression generated in revolt see so many people crying suffering from something other than bored.
Just protect yourself is not a task, it is an order, but like and want the good of where you live is something much bigger that task. And I could not accept the suicides, dropouts, theft of such intellectual property. A university is a global risk. It produces something that falls into the wrong hands can yes, become a self-destruction. For the enemy to use against their own base. Example if you throw out the discovery of a poison, the poison found in its formula can be used in the same place that gave it away.
Think about it and give continuity.

Yakuza members in Japan lowest since 1992 anti-organized laws went in to effect; National Police Agency announces 2010 figures



13 maggio 2011


Moglie di Mubarak arrestata per corruzione


11 maggio 2011


Chi ha voluto colpire il Papa?


12 maggio 2011


Messa in rito antico, «tesoro
prezioso da conservare»

Saturday, May 14, 2011

North abducted 180,000: U.S. group



Diary: Bin Laden Eyed New Targets, Big Body Counts



Isso talvez explique como os terroristas e mafiosos estão invadindo as universidades. Pode ser um método. Que leva-nos a se deprimir. A resistência a sã consciência.



El peligro acecha a los colectivos emocional
E esse post conecta com o motivo de cuidado às Comoções Sociais.


This news is a sad reflection: Recession and Globalization and Rituals


 you can get line of research, or anything of interest and depth to Science. Recalling that the 90 I received the text message from FAPESP: Beware of Social Technology. They said it is virus. Today I think we should be careful not only with the virus part, but with part Trojan. That is for those who do not know is a Trojan virus, but it is a virus at a distance.
I thank FAPESP only because UNESP UNICAMP and treated me with dignity. If it were USP I would be silent. They suffer from the mistakes of USP.

Good week

Benedito Ubiratã

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