
The sensor and censor

There are two visions of phonetic word for the sensor and censor. I've always been a sensor. What does a geologist unless sensor. Sensing with your own eyes what lies ahead and turn in your report on a diagnostic region. The steps to get to what is done with college I did in person for 20 years. Now censor thing is censorship and it's not for me, this is for anyone working with censorship. Even when I worked as the IBGE census taker in 1987 (economic census), I was a sensor. I remember I had an accounting firm that was called Sensor. And I laughed watching the board that called the office. 1986 was the career I chose to study and follow in the same census region of a middle class neighborhood from Sao Paulo, I met an office of a tin mining. When I walked in and saw the posters of the tin mines in Brazil, tin ingots and forged I fell in love and left, four years after I entered the University of Sao Paulo in Geology. Today I use my perceptions of the region to try to help staff return to the same region of the hard life of 25 years. There are fronts of electromagnetic waves of miles. There I grew up there I took my stamps at the Danish consulate. There I would visit my friends who had dance studio and swimming, they were of African descent and traveled to the United States, New York and brought me news in person. I sometimes would watch swimming techniques already learned in the sports dept sports department of the city. I was comparing the techniques. I was chatting with friends. A family of African American traditional Catholics in the city, Ventura.
Christmases I spent with them. At that time I remember when my shift ended daily census I spent there in the evening to talk and then I went away. There was near the Armenian Club, the Danish consulate, the Syrian Lebanese clubs, and I interacted parishes since 1978, always working.
Besides all the traditional family was a city of Italian origin. They were tailors, they were close friends of my mother. They were also Catholics, Minelli, always found them when he returned home. The strange thing is that I passed the bus in front of their house for years, but always found them at home with my mother.
There I saw the fear merchants SNI (National Intelligence Service), because it was the same department of the agency IBGE (Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics)  Brazilian House. I laughed all day. Because I did not understand the fear merchants. They said it was because of fear of the IRS is the federal tax collector. But actually I saw the fear of the INS. One of them told me. I always laughed.
It could be the man in the world without money, but never afraid of information. I did not understand them.
For me it was a transition.
A transition of my 15 years I went to 5 miles south of there. In the neighborhood that has a famous chocolate factory (the owner made me laugh when I was a freelance political convention in the Legislative Assembly that he presided at the same time) that the district 5 km to the south in 1978 that a neighborhood was settled by Germans where I was working for a multinational pharmaceutical Italy from 1978 to 1980. He was among the parishes in the neighborhood that most influenced me to always be going next, the parish had the Bairro Alto da Boa Vista. Always going to go next to it lead to the post office that existed there, take the letters of the company to Europe. And go to the notary certificates juridical also nearby. It was also my daily routine for years, this neighborhood 5 km south, living in German club next to the Italian company. They rented the club for the employees to have fun in the afternoon.
In this neighborhood at 5 km to the south, I started collecting stamps, pipe smoking and develop a taste for elegance in dressing room. The European directors were very elegant, and wore the famous Italian clothes, I was a boy of 14 years. It could not influence me.
I started to like the hard sciences because I lived with the older ladies and my friends in the lab where they worked was that of chemical analysis and pharmaceutical, talking all the time every day.
And then because of internal office boy, and a few times outside these cases that I cited to carry mail and correspondence to go to the office, I became the official data processing department in 1979. Italian domestic politics, it was official that fits the rules is always promoted. It was an era of downsizing, the country and the world was one the recession. The company has a transition that many people may still have to pay royalties for administrative risks, as it cut spending on terms that we call outsourcing. Everything was being outsourced, its fleet of trucks is to employ private companies to transport their cargo.
The production line is being outsourced. She goes before the merger of three major Italian companies to a single group. Something unheard of for me in terms of administration. Then she uses a third party also Italian products to its line of production.
it outsources all production and then begins to make administrative cuts.
But worse was to happen that were the internal mobilization of the country as the best availability the only industries that were concentrated in the southeast of the country. She was scheduled to leave the state is where the neighborhood and go to the neighboring state to 600 miles north.
The neighborhood has a halo that was productive from the chemical and pharmaceutical industries as metallurgy (arms, light weapons, and also an Italian bike). Multinational companies were all of European origin. The North American influences? I only found oddly enough after 30 years was always working on the side. There was a North American consulate.
The influence of Japanese, Korean, Chinese, Lebanese and Latin - American? Childhood is something of another story. The place where we grew up say our influences.
English? The neighborhood of my childhood is a relic of a farm English, the neighborhood is called Farm English (Chacara Inglesa).
My life in the 70's in this region 5 km to the south, was to read the books that I signed up as a social club called the Circle of the Book, and read international magazines I felt encouraged by the hour that I was participating philately and collector .
The newspaper was the most interesting, because I just read the books of science and technology. It was an influence of experience in a company of science and technology.
To elucidate and build my coincidences, the way back home to my mother and my childhood, the neighborhood is quoted at the beginning that contains the other parishes, and shopping malls that I would (buy clothes, buy records music rock , and pipe tobacco in sul-korean tabacco shop) was my way back home, he would know as they would buy my stuff as a teenager.
The best memories of all those 5 miles south was the conversations with my late father ... Discovering that he spent his teens in the same neighborhood. The point of knowing that there existed the trams (commuter rail) in the 50's. He told me and I was mentally and building everything was very tasty.
He said he was going to work from there home by bike every day. I had to do this at least once in their lifetime. Okay I did this for almost two years, but I did in another neighborhood and in another period. Every day nearly 30 miles per day.
At that time I've been cycling for two years of my father forgot, I was inspired by a character from a book by Mr.. Robin Cook. He created a character in New York that was a doctor and went home after work challenging bike all the way. And I did. I almost died, but I did. Always at high speed. Today I recall my old and I'm happier because I did it because he did. One of the things that challenged me to do. Maybe others will not let me do this but I did.
The others I leave to others how to drive a truck to the extreme north.
Before this census of 1986, I received an offer to live in the north and work in a shop selling school supplies. Right next to where I almost formed me having to search that region.
All a good coincidence. For the region was the region rich in tin. Carajás.
The sister of my ex girlfriend had divorced and her boyfriend and current husband, had invited me to stay in the store of his family. A traditional family in the north.
In 1986 suddenly I'm doing economic sensing region 5 km north.
There, in 1979 I had my first flesh of credit to buy my first stereo, a bank I never understood how the relationship is strange. because then when I became a bank clerk he was always my reference. Almost by the university also complete with gold. The bank held the gold bullion market in the country.
 In this neighborhood I did the first and last surgery. I sheepishly came to see me alone to face the pain of something that I thought was hernia in the groin. And then shamefully had to go back to the date scheduled surgery because I had not told my mother that I would be operated. The hospital social worker laughed on the day of surgery because I had not talked with my mother I would go to the operating table and was under age, I was 15 and had done all exams and papers without her knowledge. I did not want to work for her, she worked all day and early childhood education teacher and the mentally handicapped public and private schools. She quit too soon and only came too late.
I laughed the doctors that I saw the teenage boy independent, and afraid. At that time doctors were on strike, and they laughed at jokes surgery in the operating room while I was under the influence of anesthesia called infamous Rack.
They talked with me hours and hours were telling jokes and discussing the strike in the state and country.
This was also in 1979.
Everything was going to progress to a neighborhood where neighbors and never distant. That was around, or was at best in the city center. A bit far from there.
The purchase was also a transition back to the sea. I was disappointed with urban society, the movements were different than I felt. I liked the rock, and young people liked the album.
And I ran my childhood the sea. I started going to the shops of clothes for surfers.
I went back to the sport and I isolated myself.
From that year it became increasingly difficult relationship with African descent. Cold talk be friends, but was not constant. The dating relationships have become extinct. I did not understand. I did not accept. To enter university, and I accept it. Before I had my girlfriends and passions of African descent, but the world has become a mission and then everything became dark. Of time.
1987 is a year full of coincidences.
One of the store, bought a shoe from a French factory, a North American nylon shorts, and a poster with a large spider in black and purple background. I pasted the poster on the wall to the north of the apartment in my room behind a wardrobe.
That was 1987, to begin work on the sense and making sense in economic census and slowly building my future in the region south of the city center.
The readings increased because the books have been getting cheaper for me. I found the way to the libraries again, and then by consequence the books used in book stores around here used to call "grease".
So begins the migration to the Arts, for short time, just to hear the language of artists and not understand it, and go.
After that I can only live over the past 25 years on the outskirts of the neighborhood, and cross it by car only once. In perhaps a bus 3 times as much.
25 years living just around and not within.
So I write I was a sensor. And not a censor. I never interfered, always observed.
The interference that might have happened in my life, perhaps by social evolution undeniable that one can have a measure that is part of an intellectual and cultural elite of a country. That is, part of a large university on the continent, studying there, and later became a director of an academic center of a research institute of the same university. After to reach dilemmas is to make me a participant and not an exclusive. For I can be a good observer, or sensor, but can not be interfering in the beginning.
Then step to be interfering consciously and formally accepted by the other but not for myself.
Accepting the title of modifying agent as a friend of the 80 specifically called me in 1987, becomes difficult. But when she calls me control back in 1990 I'm dull and dark in the fall of my resistance. Sensor is to be easy. It is something acquired from childhood.
Controller is a responsibility. Heavy. Everyone wants to have the name, but no one wants to feel.
I noticed that. Maybe now an evil of society that few have done, to be wanting but not wanting to take. In my various denominations are included, but I noticed that among many others.
They can not imagine that you can not escape.

Good Week

Benedict Ubirata

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