
This news is a sad reflection: Recession and Globalization and Rituals

This news is a sad reflection, and happy for my strength to believe in my convictions that conduct economic policy should not lead to satisfaction in a country economically. Walking through the neighborhood Japanese in Sao Paulo in Brazil, two months ago when I passed in front of the Portuguese consulate, which reflected more in my mind, was the request of a consulate foolish for me to stay out of the Resistance to what I call resistance to global schemas. Soon at a time when I wrote in my blog, a series of posts on fraud and schemes. He gave speeches to the continuity of the State Department North American, when in the Middle East determined that the worst was having to see the Mafia and its influence within countries.The people soon after his visit to Yemen, screamed weeks later they really wanted change, weeks before the outbreak that has marked the social change in Egypt, Tunisia, and Yemen. The noise was seen in West Africa, but the noise that was observed in the population of North Africa was an on-line application to the speech of U.S. State Secretary  Hillary Rhodam Clinton, they believed that the system of schemes from the political economic, not would work. They saw, they talked. But the reflection of this I realize now with this issue of Der Spiegel Online, which shows that after months of my ticket next to the Portuguese consulate in Sao Paulo, the Portuguese they were wrong. Only question is what was the political line of the diplomatic corps in relation to the Portuguese Prime Minister Socrates that month are asking me to accompany their projects.Many have speculated that culpability, it would be rooted in popular culture, which left these excessive schemes were coming into the life of the populations in their countries. Inside you could hear in my country, and within what could be perceived in international interactions within it, and what you read on the internet, was that the churches Christian could be the culprit.But months passed, and saw that my attitude to me was to hold beliefs on the other hand realize that before anyone came to the conclusion that the Christian churches were to blame, they were struggling to take measures to observe and modify their behavior before the population loyal to their rituals influencers, and transform themselves into the current features on the planet. The example of Pope Benedict 16 officially asks his faithful after a decade of fighting in televises, whether Catholic or that its followers could use "venus shirt", or begins to take care of anti artificial conception. A strong argument of the Christian Church Roman Catholic who happens to ten years with the social and scientific community that the preservation of anti conceptional and high population growth in the world should be cautious. But the Pope's speech was interesting that all objects anti design, chosen in the looming demographic problem, and also the problem that is the oldest of sexual infections of humans who became aggravated and becomes even aggravating.
This action would be peaceful as could leave no hold belief would be correct. The decision to review the habits of the population regarding political, economic and sociological inevitable. That was one of the convictions.The most fashionable expression of the tradition that demanded two years ago was changed by corrupt that it should maintain the tradition of the schemes in frauds, which date back as suspicious culture in many countries for over ten years compounding and forming the great crisis of 2009 as a result. But maintaining the conviction that the world had just come off an economic crisis after 2009 it was not revised and reworked.This story from Der Spiegel Online marks the observation that the countries cited are Catholic, Ireland and Portugal, but Greece which until weeks ago was asking for funding to the European Community was not a country of culture in the Roman Catholic majority, so this may be the beginning of the innocence of these are the primary culprits, the noise of recession and the crisis has originated in other countries. So the cultural habits are not focused on blame for the Christian churches, and perhaps several churches on the planet. The problem lies elsewhere.But it is apparent that there's Mafia, Terrorism, dissemination and use of narcotics as a basis for talks that lead to economic destruction of a country.

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 SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - Intern...

The resistance seen by many as the U.S. State Department, which only shows the calls in 2005 that such Islamists in Tunisia traders were behaviorally and strangely moving and many people were studying this fact alone shows that today in 2011, something really strange was happening in the trade and that noise generated may end up causing a major new crisis and recession.After all these countries is still the world's energy base, if they hold the noise in reflection to 1975 the world will feel the noise. As the chart below shows this correlation in time and cost

Notice that the graph lines show the valley with a gap, a break in continuity or inverted ridge. you can see these gaps in data that the major recessions and economic crises are linked temporally with the energy crisis with almost all political problems suffered in the Middle East. Almost all the problems caused by global recession is related to problems occurring within the oil producing countries. I put 1975 because it is much more sensitive to the world because it was heavily industrialized and everyone was starting to feel accommodated. The trends show that growth curves and not defined recession that there was a break in trend. All were preparing for something predictable and keep a daily, monthly and annually, suddenly these gaps a need for changes in the habits of all.

The base of the North African nation is Islamic but newspapers in the 2005 season, said that his people were being Islamic people turn a calm, slow progress more significant as many Muslim countries and non-Islamic. Sectorized in Africa or not. But what is observed is that these traders felt the change can be a key to the discourse of the U.S. State Department and the concern of Mafia or organized crime. For whenever there is the mafia and organized crime trade is always the biggest target.This call I'm as serious as I watch other core since 2000 that have changed their behavior beyond the core behavioral marketer. There are the core industries, transport and others who were even thinking of choosing the closest I have experienced in recent years to start searching, as it actually changed their behavior from 1999 to 2000 and culminated in the 2004 summit and the results are sensitive now in 2011. I watched all of them here in Brazil and in international publications and reports showing a modification of behavior, now do I determine a resistance to change his actions that generate indirect and direct attacks on their countries.Banks and industries which are blamed these kernels with the crisis in 2009 were undeniably linked to the problems of culture and fraud schemes, take the example of the famous Madoff and its multibillion-dollar Ponzi schemes and international.But other core were not investigated and published. The only verification is done lightly, at least perceived by me is the World Bank Group and its perception systems educational world and its concern with the educational model to expand into the east afriacno.But some take their comments that these crises beyond the character guilty of official organizations that demand the crisis, also an influence of terrorist groups, that some people are like me, being me, an Independent, and other persons connected with official bodies in several countries, an expansionary direction of al Qaeda, who also read an article by Beyer "The cultural and religious character of world society," pp. 35-56, Peter Beyer and Lori Beaman, that within the ritual and culture of this organization, it is replaced by a strongly globalized. So much stronger than reading your article convinces her that Al Qaeda may be more powerful than many companies core organizational and legal officers in the existing globalized world, like Coca Cola, Mac Donalds and many others, do not achieve their success, or not yet see some brand aficionado trying to commit a terrorist act on behalf of Coca Cola, something that would be very strange and funny. Recalling that in the last 15 years some media organ strangely makes your network a communication language ambiguous at registration of the crime photographed or filmed having the victim or a criminal element holding one of these brands i ems globalized, suggesting its colors or its general communicative elements of teams as fans of these brands, or made mistakes or been victims of some other brand. Something for another post.But coming back, because these organizations and commercial and industrial legalized, if cautiously surveyed in diverse areas of expertise, they tend to be globalized because they can be inserted within the various countries and to settle regardless of culture. Taking the example of companies globalizdas feeding area, you can eat Mexican food folklore, Thai, Brazilian and other products with these food companies, such as a bottled beverage manufacturing processes and global brand, leaving the juices and traditional culture replaced by these beverages, and all the culture and subtilized be considered normal in general with the sum of the globalization of industrial organizations drinks, or who sees the "Mexican cuisine placed on the table will tell who really is having a table and traditional cuisine or notice to existence of non-traditional that is the drink of another country industrialized and globalized.Article by Beyer that the Al Qaeda, can occur in any country globalizations adapts to any culture in this country. These sequences have recruitment and behavioral adaptation. See Afghanistan with the presence of Al Qaeda and the Taliban and Al Qaeda in Iraq with the Shiites. Taliban and Shiites are different things but globalized by the insertion of Al Qaeda in their culture.But what is observed is that those countries that have marked their presence for the past ten years, only managed a real destruction of the economic situation, financial and cultural, of these countries, and only a privileged few have gone unpunished financially socially, economically, legally, legally and culturally, to the rest of the population living in crisis and recession. These features, observed in Afghanistan, Iraq and other countries can point out that the failure of a country may be marked by the presence of Al Qaeda not only as a terrorist organization that manufactures and habitual popularly known "explosion of bombs," but the economic destruction cultural and social politics of the country to the inevitable and predictable set of ideas and behaviors rulers.Ie they make noise, destroy the country's culture, the political base and then settle within several nuclei of behavioral and traditional native, and do get exhausted and bankrupt by then could have the total area.Read the news from Der Spiegel and then make a note of how the geographical conventional terrorist acts are around Europe and North Africa over the last ten years and then try to make an intersection with the advance or mobster or a terrorist who enters these continents.To insure this observation to see this text:
Salvatore, Armando. 2009. "From tension to dialogue? The Mediterranean Between European Civilization and the Muslim World ", in Michael, Michalis S.; Petito, Fabio. 2009. Civilizational Dialogue and World Order: The Politics of Other Cultures, Religions and Civilizations in International Relations. New York / Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 217-38


After seeing the above reference can you guys watch the world map below and see how the negative influence is associated


And to better understand the observation that there are philosophical proposals, will be seen that some philosophers and students were now diverted his attention and then offered its no social need:
Derrida, Jacques. 2003. "Deconstructing Terrorism ", in scratchpad, Giovanna. 2003. Philosophy in a Time of Terror: Dialogues with Jurgen Habermas and Jacques Derrida. Chicago / London, The University of Chicago, pp. 137-172
And in order to understand all the interests of more than ten years, look at this text: 

"Religions in Global Society: Transnational Resource and Globalized Category"Peter BeyerUniversity of Ottawa
Now notice that we are in 2011 and realize the difference of the discussions ten years ago, by clicking the title below and seeing the entire textFriday, Apr 14, 2000 12:00 ETWorld Bank and IMF: Good, evil or irrelevant?On the eve of the A16 protests, experts discuss the roles of the International Financial Organizations and the Seattle protests in this weekend's battle over globalization.
And then watch one of the things that make this noise through the text of Christopher Meyer, "The Paradox of Globalization and the Persistence of Nationalism" Thursday, 12/03/2009, 4:30 pmm, Graham Memorial
With this you can perceive it as some existing texts almost fanatically warn that something is wrong but can happen to the world and many argue that it may be irreversible after the widespread installation of something strange in society.
Good WeekBenedito Ubiratã

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