
Look at the map of folly which was a large Phase

Look at the map of folly. They spend billions to trillions of dollars in weapons for years or decades, and has night lighting for its inhabitants. From the little I read that these countries receive money on the planet in full collaboration in the form of donation. Today I have 48 years. And they have scored in areas visible in this map made by NOAA that contained no investment for its population. Just shows that what they wrote about ignorance in these regions and their corrupt rulers before and now can only be caused by corruption and loss of sense population. Note that even talk in some countries protecting fleeing a bit of attention from the media, but they asked to join the folly. Because it is officially recorded by many small and big countries that they have received money through foundations, NGOs, and philanthropic organizations to help develop. True deserts of assistance to the people for their own countries. The major phase that ended in 1980, was 30 years. After that it took 30 years and still the same thing in almost all countries. It was not to have that big stage. Now is an inevitable audit. The reports of these countries is inconsistent with reality.

NOAA - image depicting the nighttime streets with bright points of light power.       

Good week

Benedito Ubiratã

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