
Black. Fascism and celebrities.

End of holiday and after much thought, plus all the international events that come to the conclusion that I lost my identity with the Brazilians of African descent.
I do not like samba, not like football, not like pagoda.
Rituals Afro-Brazilians (Umbanda and Camdomblé) only studied to understand my roots. I concluded that I understand a little how these rituals and their origins. But I can not identify and like these, I could never feel good.
Few African descent are Christian Protestants, or evangelicals, I feel much more peaceful and respected by them. Most are Catholic, do not admit the Catholic intolerance. Always offended me. Have always been intolerant and in my private life private.
Not like most television networks that are said to influence the blackness, or influenced by catolicismo.Não like their celebrity, not to admit, I have no strength to meet them, I avoid them from getting close to the television screen. Very little in the last 30 years I went to the Brazilian theater. Scenic arts Brazilian wear me out, because ultimately they are all celebrities, are filled with money with our mind focused in their lives. An illusion which more than thirty years I retired from my life. Despised at various times in the illusion of Brazilians staying mentally hold celebrities to the point of seeing celebrities go crazy for these, and they do not cease to become millionaires by these people. And in the end some of this deluded approached the risk of being beaten by police or be considered a dangerous person was the most I've seen in recent years. I can not accept, and reject the hypocrisy of celebrities protected by the timing of journalists. Serve us hear moans and whispers praise to get rich with our emotions. Although there is only one reality, many will still want to discuss these emotions by the sight of an artist 70 years ago. Today is another time with many different things for this kind of apology and response. If it was the time Greta Garbo, and she told me enriched with the emotions that I generated in people. I'd hit palms.
But now it's rotten. It is fascist. You Nazi. In World War II. Mussolini was not enough to be powerful, he needed their wives gemessem nightly, sighing, hand jobs every night at his picture on the wall or on top of the nightstand.
They needed to be passionate imagination for it. If you do not have this behavior were placed out of the old Italian society as problematic. Foolish and useless.
This is fascism.
 Keep in mind someone's face would be the best that happened. And I think that is repeated. I do not admit such a culture of making money.
Marketing, timing, a virtual world out of control, Collective Unconscious, Collective Emotional, Psychologies and its buildings zebra.
Best is to prepare to leave the country. I think the descent, the university will learn when you count how many there are here. And like all passed in the last 20 years.

Again I write, a country that is 200 000 times by saying how Milton Santos and Teodoro Sampaio were special to the country's culture and do nothing to increase the amount of talent as they were, they lose all those who can fight for this country .
After all why do you need me or others like me.
It educators, secretaries of education, delegates, governors, military to care for the safety and education of all. These are qualified. I better get out and stay in a place where I can be more useful for myself and feel better.
A woman friend of Thailand, who met through the social network when I put the picture of my newborn cousin, in that place, was so happy, wished me joy, I was so similar to some friends from North America and some of Russia's Italia UK, Bulgaria and elsewhere in Europe, which really is time for me to leave the "Brazilian boat for others who want to".
I am not obliged to protect any person. I had more success in that I protected by a period of time, emotionally, people from other countries. They invited me, they chose me, they really were naked suport. They, personally to my eyes, they slept in my bed naked person, none of them asked me to imagine a virtual relationship to take ownership of an area of town so emotional or have financial backing from some business group. Women were much just accepted me and wanted me for who I am and have.
None of them asked me to hold them in mind. I can not hold in the mind of any person. Simply because in my mind is only my relatives. The rest is rest.
Better go.

Good week
Benedito Ubiratã

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