
Returning to the subject and Cleaning Defense Ethics, and a police model.

The retarded posts, I published the subject in Afghanistan, there have been accusations that will be investigated in North American Army forces in the use of Psy-Op which political victim of Congress North America. The then Army Commander, North American is willing to Afghanistan at the onset of their investigation. In this post I put some newspaper articles that show the international problem and the names of United States Senators who were the victims. But at the same time an article from a German newspaper Zeit Online South Central region of Germany (Saxonia and surroundings) (www.zeit.de) places the defense of the current until recently, Minister of Interior Thomas de Maizière about what happened to the senators in Afghanistan because he had some experience having to visit his troops in the same region in recent years. I ended up ignoring the news because she was more interesting when it comes to issues of ethics and Clean Intellectual Property Rights in Germany there that things turn out being taken very seriously. And also because within the line about Mafia, Terrorism, and institutions such as university, I applied to get a line of cases filed by the FBI, Department of Justice North America. And as Germany had already speculated months ago in its police reform that has some problems but nothing severe to profound problems that today are said to lead in research and connection of Criminal currents mentioned above as criminals who get almost everyone in the world, I leaving for a better opportunity.
And suddenly I see. a story featuring the same newspaper that Germany in the recent case of Loss of Intellectual Property with the convergence Plagiarism German Defence Minister, lawyer, just resign may not withstand the pressures of what we say as a risk of staining the honor the country, because that has been involved. For those who do not know the defense minister now former Defence Minister Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg was doing a doctorate in law and in his thesis was found traces of plagiarism, which were investigated and their standing in Germany was insegurável.
Read the full news on the link below by clicking on the title regarding the Disclaimer and understand that after what I want to show how good a coincidence.
Merkel de Maiziere

Neuer Verteidigungsminister

Der Anti-Guttenberg

Ein politischer Schwergewicht übernimmt die Nachfolge Guttenbergs. Auf den bisherigen Innenminister Thomas Maizière kommt eine Schwere Aufgabe zu. Von H. Friederichs
With the coincidence of the news about the resignation of Guttemberg the post of Defense Minister, who was chosen and appointed in his place was the Minister himself Mazière I wanted to put as a well experienced as bad suffering the impacts of Psy-Op .
By this view, I feel that Germany will get to race against time and within reach of what it announced a strong advance over other policemen of the world. The thing that humility of police to explain that she has a conceptual divide that hinders Germans to solve certain problems, given the experiences he had watching other policemen. It comes with a large force, as the new defense minister, proposes something very strong, which is to reform the German Police in accordance with what he had to experience the war in Afghanistan. For those who do not know, we still have the quote in the history of new problems within a war. Before the so-called conventional war, then war with weapons of mass die-offs (Nuclear, Bacteriological and Chemical) and now the rumors of the infamous Psychological Warfare. What few can understand, but many soldiers who participated since the Iraq war up to that in Afghanistan, that nothing is so conventional battles on these fronts. Information agencies like the CIA, and other STDs as NRS are required to participate actively together with the military on the battlefield. Catches of all kinds are as quoted by the newspaper to the Canadian CBC and the Canadian Army has had trouble of having to go into combat or confrontation with minors as not to injure his ethical conduct at the time these children were those captured were transferred to the Afghan Army with the competent organs for those cases with minors, there has been seen that children can be a weapon if left in the hands intecionadas evil.
So the most brilliant news is that the experience to lead a police force that just cited that needed only a union of their two police forces in Germany that play distinct roles to try to establish their vision of a unified and efficient, ended up winning as goal the experience of war experienced in the Afghan frontline. I repeat, will still do many historians true open lines of research. For everything there is new, everything is not just a rifle, a weapon or WMD (Weapons of Mass Destruction). There it takes the experience as I mention in previous post of sight anti guerrilla who was well placed in the last two wars like Iraq and Afghanistan now. But there also brings the experience I have been discussing in my blog two years already. What is the speech of the Secretary Rhoda Hillary Clinton North American in Qatar to months ago that all current terrorist should look deeply that may occur if the influence of organized crime groups, said the Mafia.
See a post that I write on Terrorism and Fraud on my blog on Alternet by clicking below:
Was   some reading material on the Internet and how Some Gave me the chance  to comment at the time, I Decided to make a comment about it below, I That thought would b too long and DECIDED to make this post. This post  is related to the news of the head of the U.S. State Department noting  the problem Arabia and funds for terrorism.

This speech is a similarity here in Brazil and I quote here the Stoa, in the Brazilian Chamber of Deputies when the head of ABIN on Lula General Felix, plus the participation of parliamentarians that the CPI, and Federal Delegate Daniel Lorenz discussed the risks of influence smuggling, border, and the entry of possible terrorists and repatriation, and their "marriages" and the generation of children in Brazil with all giving a possible connection with organized crime exists in Latin America and Brazil. For those who do not know a good and plausible response to requests from the Treasury Department in the North American Government Bush, who asked to review the situation of raising money to keep the enemy in Iraq.
And in a request, I confess to be very virtuous in the 90s which I do not resile from denying that the Delegate Daniel Lorenz, I, Ministry of the Navy (COPESP - Special Projects Coordinator) and other investigators and clerks of the Civil Police of Sao Paulo, the most ancient of Restricted Major Military Police of Sao Paulo realized in terms of migration of the Shining Path terrorists arrested at that time in their country of origin and its members infiltrating Brazilian popular movements. As former U.S. government Bill Clinton (with Plan B), at the same time appoint a general North American hard-liners to study and observe the Andes.
These experiences of reading, each of these speeches, suggests that if the Minister Mazière get to take the experiences of Afghanistan, he will be bringing into his police to meeting all the concerns relevant in these speeches.
Because its police are worried, but with the strong trends of terrorism that may scare your population, but realizes that weapons and equipment to do this depends on whether a union to which a stream of them are expert and which the border is another specialist . But the war in Afghanistan shows that in addition there must be all calls for example the Treasury Department's North American, which is raising money to support the enemy in the Afghan countryside. Money is not little. Argues that perhaps the hypothesis that these terrorists at war can only get all this money not only in collaboration with international governments who want to corrupt the defeat of the allied countries and the fall of Afghan democracy, but also the funds of criminal organizations in the world that can leverage these achievements.
The example numbers in the magazine Der Spiegel that gives the call with the floods at the beginning of the year in Pakistan, NATO's enemies could exploit the situation to the relief of the suffering population so that if there were a foolproof recruitment of those who are terrorists and that in order to always ask for help in exchange for participation in its activities. Days later that this action is contained by the hands of terrorists, the U.S. State Department released with the approval of U.S. Congress no more than $ 150 million in aid to the Pakistani people flooding. That is, 150 million dollars. To avoid a mass recruitment. If they did not those 150 million would be invested by the terrorist force. Where would the money to do both this SRSG and recruitment? Week after that amount was not enough, the Bank Group in a statement with French President Nicolas Sarkozy announces the release of over 49 million dollars to people Paquistantes. An amount no more than 200 million dollars. What if it was not invested the enemy would be investing. At a time when the Allied troops begin to realize that the battle for democracy in the region Afghanistan / Pakistan comes close to being reached. An investment of that there is no loss of positions achieved through much blood and money.
After all, Afghanistan is a country suffering without much infrastructure ranging from the lack of paved roads, sewer systems up until the present basic healthcare to its population, which happens years such as the presence of German NGOs who are able to settle and deploy humanitarian assistance to these people, who because of their culture, socialization is much difficulty, to seek to understand the DW TV, a documentary showing at the 2001 German medical difficulties that had to build a clinic to attend Afghan women because of the culture that their husbands leave their wives took their turn.
And thus the question can have as many as 47 AK in the hands of militant terrorists, and ammunition to sustain the war against the armies fourth largest in the world. Or how they get so much military force to confront NATO. A meeting of Armies of the richest countries on the planet?
Since 2001 there are all kinds of calls since the periods olas disclosure that the terrorists have received a lot of money to support themselves for ending world peace.
Mazière taking this experience to your police, but will revolutionize the vision of a new police force. For if we know that a simple slip police, but can hold a whole army and defeat a whole in maintaining peace and order of populations in the world.
Will they continue to be as naive? Ethics Cleanup was done and everything indicates that it may occur successes welcome to that population.
Read fully the ideas that the then Defence Minister and Prime Minister Mazière German German Angela Merkel wants for his country, and their call for a reform in the police.

Merkel to relie on Maizière

The departure of Defense makes a cabinet reshuffle Necessary: On Guttenberg follows Home Secretary of Maizière him again CSU party chief Friedrich.
Bundeskanzlerin Merkel bestätigt die Personalrochade innerhalb der Koalition Chancellor Angela Merkel Confirmed the personnel changes Within the coalition.

Remembering a call I did last year. Because of the dirt that can do within a Globalization is not silent, and influenced by a criminal organization, 400 Marines special virtue, all new "boys" and newly trained, were killed in field battle.
I think we need to rethink the position of Globalization  and our role is not to happen more deaths of these soldiers that only serve to protect us.
Good Week
Benedito Ubiratã

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