
Enticing The word and the method of Enticement. A follow-up study of the mafia and university

Since I belonged to the group that existed in Cognitive Science  University of Sao Paulo in the 90s, I was always me wondering why so many psychiatrists, mathematicians and other sciences participate together in this group called Cognition.
In time I joined the group as a former teacher of mine and died, the Professor Franco Levi belonged to this group and I presented the idea I also subscribe and participate, and inside of my wishes that  was within what I wanted in luck.
Within a sequence  interesting presentations, the presentation group would leave me will. After all the time he introduced me to some teachers who obviously  you have the desire to understand something, and their presence in your life surely the result is to set up and learn. At the time he  I had several mathematicians and computer scientists, one of which I was very embarrassed because I did undergraduate research in Polytechnic School, and in my spare time I was walking through Civil engineering library, and always found a good book to read several areas which included my starter Sensing Remote.
And one of the books, which at the time I could not read by complete by my lack of mathematical basis, was linear programming. A  book that intrigued me by its title, and from what I observed that could do with that theme. And then luckily, the teacher Franco led me to mathematics, to meet Professor Route Terada, it made me very dull, after all was the author of the book I surrounded him and beat me because he could not understand.
That day was very interesting because we went straight to his lab at Institute of Mathematics and Statistics, I remember that he was all black, and was at the bottom of the lab talking to a student in computer in a room with air conditioning typical air  on a hot day in a tropical country. He came quietly and with a calm smile toward the teacher Franco, and this length, and I silently, a student of second year of college, she was watching the laboratory at the USP had very few personal computers to workstations,  and that was a sweet shop for a child. Until the teacher Franco introduced me smiling head of the laboratory. I whole off as always raised my hand, and ended up getting more boring still boring because the teacher Franco introduced me as his assistant in "cyber-affairs." And as a rule, I have to know nothing about computers, soon to be presented as a chief  Laboratory of Computer Science made me embarrassed. There then came the worst he named the head of the laboratory, Professor Route Terada author of the book.
I remained silent, few times back then I was silent inside. He smiled and vary, hung me in my lack of knowing what to say. The two started talking and I left.
So were Professor Ubiratan D Ambrosio, Professor Waldemar Setzer, Professor Dilma Menezes (who later had the chance to look through their books to give lessons to my students in High School) after Professor Michael Julio Stern and all this led me to want to unveil a discussion in the room Introduction to Programming class, the famous MAC115, where I and some Friends asked the class teacher matter what he thought of Artificial Intelligence. And he said he did not believe in Artificial Intelligence, but I insist that he was honest in saying that for example in mathematics existed two currents, and believed that he did not believe.
And how would it all around my introduction to Remote Sensing and this is one of the souls of Intelligence  Artificial, and with all the inspiration to meet these teachers when Professor Levi introduced me to the Group of Cognitive Science, no  I had doubts, I went to start demystifying the other half, which did not believe in artificial intelligence.
At the time of the sessions  presentation and meetings were boring, I did not get what discussing, I was more objective in my view, I was in a GIS lab at the Polytechnic School, worked with computer graphics software open vector.
Language offering its opening was the LISP, a language typical for Artificial Intelligence, software that you could make these macros (Chained commands) that made the original software in other software the way you want, based on the original  tracers of vectors. So when I went to the meetings I wanted to see programming language.
And nothing to speak of language programming. I went to go and not only was the room of Professor Franco talk for hours about what they talked there, but even so the discussions were for the future, because it really let me stray.  Did not touch on what I wanted. Programming language.
This solve my problems at that time needed to earn money, and  solve those optimization problems that gave me these softwares money. Almost any person dealing with this software, it was my independence, I had to apply. I ended up dropping. Always with the connotation of everything he saw and heard should be used for the future. At a more quiet and distant obligations momentary survive and graduate.
I went back to my problems Vectors, Vector or Mathematics, as I was more into the areas that I presented, and I did well. After the database was the observation. E this area there was an Algebra Relational Algebra which contains the matemathics Vector. I dropped the Artificial Intelligence. She did not would support.
It was 1992, the machines were still limited, my gains were small, and my chances much smaller. I could not live on my mother helped me in money and emotional support. Because she said that even if the tasks being voluntary if I were to win something in future they were worth the feathers she had invested and invested heavily on confidence that the university would not let me down.
Left to another. And another really got his chance. We were close friends of class. His nickname was the Sorvetão. This friend of a Masters at Unicamp (University of Campinas) in  Artificial Intelligence. He was the right person. He did well because we really were friends. Me and him doing some English in Brazil Union  and the United States, and as he was older in the English course he would gave his books to English. The environment was healthy, although always  place the network of intrigue who insisted on making us enemies and rivals, but we were very united in our class. Something I'll never get in USP, this need to make us enemies. Thing that was tiring the time for us. For indeed we were united and friends. And now this web of intrigue is so great that not even want to go into it.
No  had a job to geologists at the time, but doing some of everything to find new alternatives. As I had a vast area in the database and they let me inside the area Geological because this had always been concern for all of us look for alternatives but would not abandon idea of ​​being a geologist, I let the artificial intelligence with heart. A  basic rule for who is inserted into the Collective Emotional who is caring for those who understand. Actually we were friends. We did everything that the other what the other person could do, and when he noticed that one of us had  any questions, we crossed distances to leave good tips for  able to move forward. So we won publications, research topics, won medals. For almost all won awards at the Federation Brazilian and Paulista in general sports, or cycling, karate (not I then I left because I was a warrior, lol. Was always wanting to break someone in the street, I left and went paddling.), rowing, canoeing,  athletics, volleyball, handball and so on. Really we were friends and friends. Hare that nothing was closed to an institute. We were college students. Almost all live in a little Crusp, there met doctors, teachers,  nurses, geologists, geographers, chemists, engineers, physicists, lawyers, psychologists, ocupationls terapeutics, journalists, historians, mathematicians, linguists, dietitians, occupational  sports, biologists, biomedical, geophysical, and many meteorologists others, that one day was too much information, one year, there were many books, much talk, too much theory. Results in droves.
It was a beijação (very Kisses), a talk, a liar, a storytelling, it was party all week, sex was the will, the people lived, was played, Had "affection." We had no love. I'll be honest, because I never wanted. Study hard to know what it would be. We were trained for this. Not have love. That was the rule. This was the worst mission and then relief. But to keep us human, we'd love. Affection. Why do not you let the other lose, masochism and sadism disappears. As the theologians say the demonization disappears. Love can  be falsified, can be disguised. And those who said they love the our visions destroyed all its partners and partnerships. Because they were concealed. Now the friendship, it's so interesting because it breaks but Do not let the other or the other and the worst losers.
Results in droves.
E  Group of Cognitive Science, but the group that the Environmental Science time came to build a college at which he belonged in the Professor Levi, Professor Arlei, former dean and Professor Markovitch, left behind. The two subjects were boring, in my view practical or pragmatic, needed a programming language and machine, did not talk about it.
And the other to Environmental Science had Thermodynamics or Physical Chemistry. Eco period was 92, plus Fenasoft good which I participated as an exhibitor, more stages, and initiations. I had to have courage and release the two areas and move forward.
But in both areas Cognitive Science, Environmental Science and left me a very good thing. The issues for the future.
You can not win something, not solve them. You can not get something and deceive.
This is the idea of ​​honesty in scientific and cultural diffusion within the Collective Emotional.
The  question falls within the Collective Unconscious as taught Professor Franco Levi. But the question can not be done haphazardly and carelessly. Should save it for the future. Expect conditions. Need emotional equilibrium. Having friends, true friends, that you  can talk in person, exchange ideas and also let criticize  able to criticize. You must have only the ideal of the university, or union  diversity. The ideas are reworked, if a friend or friend if interests, they are put forward by these people and issues develop. When you see, after a while everything gets done.
As  was a sociable person, or that he liked and likes to talk to people personally, something that very serious today and silly to me at past. I was resolved to adopt a rule that existed for Buddhist University at the time. That was the law of giving and receiving. I identified it airs in the USP, and used her existing knowledge of healthy way. He would take what he gave to me, and everything that I do not let go interest and was not in my power to others. When not leave for someone, somebody left me, when someone did not have anybody leave,  indicated that if I knew someone. And often the luck of someone show me. In fact that's how I did undergraduate research with a Member of the Brazilian Academy of Letters. On the recommendation of someone who needed to pass something and I would be the best. With he and his learned a lot of things and I argued.
This rule was beneficial. Do not hurt us emotionally. Did not need the drug, or enticing us, and not in autoafirmar.
We were independent.
Even  Since the gerontocracy. She was criticized, but in the end they all cried happiness. Money is good, and when he appeared as a result of studies and work done, everyone was happy. We were and still We are capitalists, but doing some of that capitalism and a healthy cheerful, inside a shed that did not accept this way of doing Science and experience in something that we have no way out if we are righteous.
And turning the question she heard on the most primal of Cognitive Science Group was this: The knowledge and cognition.
Today  after a little study to realize that the intelligence Artificial needed those discussions. A robot needs the vision human, or how the intelligence process and how it place. For that, Psychiatry, Psychology, Computer Science,  mathematics, had to live with.
I remember there was a couple of Philosophy. But the funny thing is that instead of them accept the idea Artificial intelligence, they entered into an environment we lived democratic decided to take its course.
Go to psychoanalysis. I watched this after the end of the 90s. What more that was said between them was psychoanalysis. In my view and many think that because they wanted so decided. We do not discuss and  silenced us, ironically. After all the problems to the Resolver Human mind has a queue in society, which, we will not be  silent, they saw, live dating, and friendships and Consequently watching Psychology, Psychiatry, Therapy Occupational, psychotherapy, and then they would have to be friends or all or suffer the concurrency. We were really silent.
None  Expos opinion of us. Just about every experience we live with groups mentioned above in one form or another. And he said the experience us to be silent.
And the primary issue affecting the discussions and indirectly affect us and would be good for us to release him, and I unknowingly used theoretically well and gave me the answer is below,  which pulled out of a blog that you guys can click the address. It is a text very good. Serves to cognitive scientists, even scientists in Law and other related scientists. It's really a case study text.
The         method of grooming
of         sr. Orlando Fedeli
by Amilcar Nadu
"... The Intelligence is systemic in nature, unifying, organic. It repels  inorganic, the dispersed, the fragmentary, who is killed. Soon, it was necessary SEARCH THE UNITY OF KNOWLEDGE IN THE UNITY OF CONSCIOUSNESS AND VICE VERSA. This puts FINALLY THE QUESTION OF KNOWLEDGE AS A SYSTEM ORGANIC OR THE UNITY OF KNOWLEDGE. WHEN YOU SAY THAT THIS UNIT BE KIND OF SYSTEMIC - AND NOT JUST "SYSTEMATIC" -, I mean CAN NOT TAKE THE FORM OF A deductive system, AS IN Rationalism CLASSIC, BUT A UNIT OF A LIVING THAT IDENTIFIES WITH LAST ANALYSIS WITH A UNIT OF AN ENTITY AND CONSCIOUS LIVING: THE INDIVIDUAL HUMAN REAL, AND SPIRITUAL UNITY Psychophysics, IS THE STANDARD OF THE UNIT KNOWLEDGE. The man, the human individual is the bearer of knowledge effective. Knowledge is only as good social knowledge potential, is a collection of records and conventions, to become actual knowledge, it must be realized, updated in the consciousness of individual living ... "
I believe that here is a summary of what I precisva response in a theoretical way. See the insights of a theoretical  is necessary, I come from a line that stand in line rule in Scholarship. Rrecebemos our policies to years ago. And this response is theoretically well constructed. She is quoted, it has scientific basis.
For me, it solves many problems that we suffer.
In  next post I will try to put the other hand, the other area that I left.  The Environmental Science and what was the question that should be resolved. In time there were goals, all that I chose was Science Education  and Chemical Sciences, if the two do not satisfy the Science Environment could not be placed. That's how I understand, this is how I played.
In my view had no basis to discuss at the time. But the discussion occur in ECO 1992. The divergence occurred in  people and the world by demagoguery, political ambition and greed, beyond hurry, the attitude too quick to see the results so urgent (redundancy required). What remained was the need now  that both Chemistry and Education Sciences arrive in a good agreement and let it happen. The world needs the kind of dscutido Science ECO Environmental in 1992 should be seen as the very dissatisfied number of problems that have increased and become increasingly clear that there was only a deception.
It yielded no results and only generated which generated more needs. On the basis transformation.
The  Call of the 80 was Lavoisier. That was my time, that was  my generation. And that call up doing some weddings. Stuff adolescents. But not doing some Lavoisier.
Perhaps the architecture alone made it be so. But the rest did not call the codename Lavoisier.
For by Lavoisier "Everything changes, nothing is lost, nothing is created."
Years  later the world meets in 1992 and reach the conclusion that before all the problems of the 80 observed, needed the call  Lavoisier. Because she had not.
After all of the 80 to  90's are more or less 10 years. Sufficient time to train a new generation. And the results of this had not happened. We have a huge accumulation of matter made and not recycled. Ie unprocessed. Today it is toxic.
The geniuses existed in the 80s, the Gerontrocacia was a force, it has generated calls.
As stated by a German Chancellor Angela Merkel one week ago, on a subject that I believe she had read in New York Times, talking about Gorbachev, within the model Leonid Brezhnev, there was a gerontocracy. If someone left influenced by the Soviet model will have to accept that part of model.
And the old men and women have made that call. Now look at the importance of the Old Leonid Brezhnev Deceased. Before any owner television or your neighbor, or some political power to dignify this influence on the world. Look at the sizes of these old and velhas.Fico imagining it from the top of the Kremlin by giving a call, dawn in the cold Russian. It should come out with a loud and echo, and I think that must be weird to see who was there that the crossing west and heading toward the ocean. Must have been a call, though. This old man must have the maw of the century.
At the time I was teenager. Entered inside the brain and had no doubts, or nightmare  dream. We assimilated. Leonid Brezhnev hare that died in 1982.
To the untrained eye to see the Kremlin in Russia.

Also the headquarters of the KGB

I  suggest what I did 15 years, 10 years after 5 years and now I did. If you live in this world to seek a therapist. If you have not emotional balance will end up in the ridiculous lack of Reality. There is only one Reality. The rest really is no discussion madness.
I have experience, we suffer, and always passes phase everybody gets into madness, falling governments, industries will collapse, countries  lose all their money on the compulsiveness of the calculation done poorly. Banks with bankers who say they never lose disappear, with their bankers.
They only live to have their images projected glosses.
You can not say parallel world. This does not exist. You can imagine. And imagination is not reality.

Read  notice and the title. Enticing Crime is to make realities. Solicitation of meaning. Can be "meaning" a variable, and this can be replaced by smaller word, old, old, young, elderly population and so on.
Good week
Benedito Ubiratã

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