
Text on Sodomitas in the United States of America

This post is a copy message, I wrote to a friend north American, was on one of these photos is an internet , or someone she had republished on the internet " share" on North American personalities who have discovered that they are homosexuals .
This is a cultural revolution Sheila . There is an armed revolution , but a cultural revolution . The values ​​should have been reversed and now people are discussing . Cultural revolution becomes aggressive , as if society classifies values ​​are reversed and they forcing people to accept just to hide the hypocrisy or fear of telling the truth . If you are sodomites and accept that they are gay before the cultural revolution has made homosexuals accepted in society , but if they are sodomites and not assume .
And then becomes a cultural revolution aggressive because it assumes no homosexual behavior . And there is the power to run the risk of not only want to hide, but also want to hide forcing others to be equal.
That's important , paranoia to force others who do not want to be equal, why not quererm only assume they are gay .
They are dangerous because they are homosexuals, want to hide , and do not assume it fall in paranoia , with the power they have they can commit the abuse of power, and if they commit the abuse of power with the power they have , they can lead to an armed revolution . They would abuse the power they have over their weapons to force others to be sodomites .
This should be investigated without hypocrisy and exit 100 has been happening with the United States of America when sex scandals happen since the 90s .
The sexual scandals that happened in the 60 , 70 , 80 were easily understood by Americans and the world . Suddenly began to want to hide, preserve social image without thinking of the harm to society.
United States of America have some sacred places such as the National Congress of the United States of America , White House and Capitol. If they start to impose power abuse others can do and it can be a lot of error propagation and enmity.
You need investment, need money and can not lose the friendship .
 The error of military force is to cause fear. Fear makes people get close and agree , you guys will never have the honesty and sincerity.
Will fall into psychosis! If not already fallen .
Go around the world to condemn the abuse of power , but will accept the actions of fear.
Here I no longer have defenders of the United States of America . And it's hard to me to do what I did before, I can no longerhat was a differentiate rhetorical anti North American drug traffickers Andes with people who are suffering from the abuse of power. Kisses granddaughter and daughter . And hugs to Tennessee

Hugs and good week

Benedito Ubirata da Silva

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