
A teenage girl (in 2004) at the time asked me to listen to the music of Joe Cooker, I put. I stopped putting because then I could not tell when she was in so many women who did not pay overlaying what she asked. Do not understand how a teenager is sensitive in their phases, and still put dirty women to superimpose them must be stressed. Are girls, girls only sensitive breeding very tough and disciplined. I put the song "One", just because I was studying chemistry, ions which has a single electron in the last level of greatness: Fluorine, Chlorine, Iodine, Astatine, Bromine. Why they ask this for me? Whatever! because mothers asked for and trust me, or because parents rely and trust me, (I have to laugh) (I do not know if I'm lucky because of it), or worse (for the spirits of pigs and heavy conscience, they asked why I like women not girls. And they are girls (children). Gotta write that are children, just because of the old ladies who has the north American tradition since world War II to draw the ladies north American of girls. is there a difference in these girls who are but are not ladies, are children. Sensitive children living censured, disciplined life very rich, persecuted. 


 Too for girls in 2004 that I put Madonna "Gone"


 for women I gave the song I started studying the history of Poland in 1978. I liked the Soviets and there was a composer who did the music for the Poland and it told the story of Poland invaded by Prussian empire and he describes the difference symbol of the eagles in the standard Polish and Prussian . He had been exiled and he did a song for the Polish people , from that day started like they are in romantic way to express and how they can understand their problems through music . I began to like classical music because they liked classical music . 
Lech Walesa was growing up , young people admired him and I was no different, like Solidarnosc. 
In 1995, I was a library of the university and put the Symphony 2 of Chopin for piano in D minor . This music was the women or ladies . 
Note:I do not put the video here because I do not think the system internet search, just leave something strange. Perhaps Social Engineering does not want to be heard Chopin or so my searches are wrong.
When I find Stevie Reich the music that I liked to put to understand the northeastern people of my country I put to them . Why ? 
I was studying in my spare time, "minimalists" like Philip Glass and his music had a sad movie in the Northeast in a hostile region.  
I gave preference to Stevie Reich . Science about it ? 
The way they played when I was in Camdomblé ( psicanalistic is a fact , I was just looking for my "roots", then I would go to college and would have to forget the Europeans to live and rule in 1990. I repeat : it has to find its roots first ) and they played different nations of camdomble, I laughed ( very fondly , because I 'm mocking ) the way they closed their eyes and danced singing at a pace not African , but similar Stevie Reich . So I chose .



If I identified in the fine arts with Polock , identification was not psychological, but the story that U.S. wanted to learn and I do not have the books.  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jackson_Pollock
 I needed environments that were similar to the Minimalist . And Polock is the time of the Minimalists. 

 Leningradsky Avenue in Moscow before a football match at the Dinamo stadium. 1949.
Photo by Ivan Shagin. RIA Novosti.

It was a beautiful time , and I identified myself , as I studied them in the 50s.


 In 1990 I discovered the library of the School of Communications and Arts at the University , they had a good collection, which in relation to the assets that I lived listening to music before entering the university was much better and easier to access than the collection of biblotecas public by the city . they had all the composers I was studying in his spare time in the 80s . I always leave the class period in the afternoon and came home and was listening in the room of my apartment . The sound smooth skirt as if in FM radio with AM and not noise . I spent the whole afternoon chatting eat girlfriend and escutrando music or revisiting what I read about music or what I was comparing other composers that I had read and heard . Perhaps a mistake to talk about ? No! an exercise to listen.I tried to compare the auditions or movie themes or themes then I would need to face . Geologising is thinking about having to work with a population unknown , distant. Mining is not on the doorstep living in a big city .
Steve Reich was pleasant , less romantic , less sensitive than other composers are scholars or not . That moment was needed was a transition , scholarship , scholarship able to explain to those who did not have that scholarship , geology , chemistry , sociology , psycho social behavior , mathematics, and just live a better math that is not taught in schools medium to mathematics of Poincaré , Vectors and Analytic Geometry,
Relational Algebra (Bad knew that years later I would publish in international comgresso the Navy), Relational Databases, Remote Sensing (years later scientific initiation), Digital Image Analysis (I have to laugh, later to be playing with Photoshop to see topics of genetic engineering) and so on. .See the computer closely and can work with it without simulate as before entering university . The computer was something expensive in the 80s , and at the university I was near him . Before just studying languages ​​computaconais structured after 1990 was able to live it and listen to good music . Little did I know that years later would be difficult , because everything was falling apart , the appliances were breaking and time to get back to others and listening to music was waning .But this is Phase had children close to me , had the opportunity to live music , conversations and many questions were my questions to them the answers they were silent. I asked the teachers or researchers , and they listened to the answers , and those who responded did not realize the presence of all . In the late afternoon , the silence and the music .What is best of this era were the trips to the beach or to the interior and the strange sensation of meeting new people maybe important , perhaps distant . Listen to music in the car on the road and in the end, lots of sea and sun.

 Wet Kisses
Benedito Ubirata da Silva

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