
Platon, Platoon, Pluto, Pluton

a comment that I was going to do to start a discussion with a German friend in Facebook, who describes his vision of plato. And I decided to make to discuss what I've been watching on Plato in women, military and political.The text she writes is very interesting, and I found it interesting, but in my concidencias definitions in Plato, or Platoon or Pluton, or Pluto, led me to write this post.
the text of it is below the link. Note that it suggests that all a man of war has as influences. Pluto, or pluton, or even plato. The fire, revenge. However it leads to the definition of reflection.
But reflect on and give numbers or footage, I decided to write in Time time is number measured. Variable temporal Plato, pluto, pluton.

see the top of the blog post and link it below after

FeuerZeichen oder Platons Definition vom Maler – Zeichnung von Susanne Haun

Ein Maler gibt sinnliche Dinge wieder und ist so laut Platon ein “Nachahmer des Scheins”.
Beim heutigen Malen des Elementes Feuer ist mir aufgefallen, wie ich die Kühle des Wassers im Wasserzeichen zeichnete, die Distanz, die ich zu dem Element Wasser habe. Beim Feuer zeichnete ich viel bewegter. Da ich selber zu den Feuerzeichen gehöre, geht in diese Zeichnung meine Nähe ein, die Sternzeichen Widder, Schütze und Löwe sind auch Liniengewaltiger durch die Haare der Tiere und des Schützen.
Feuerzeichen - Zeichnung von Susanne Haun - Tusche auf Leonardo Bütten - 80 x 60 cm
Feuerzeichen - Zeichnung von Susanne Haun - Tusche auf Leonardo Bütten - 80 x 60 cm

 click the link below

I liked this definition, I had the classic definition of the issue of the construction of the birth of the idea of republic and Polis. My premise was on discussion and argument about the value of women in Plato was absent. Women could not vote in ancient Greece, slaves were not considered. But had not the power of the vote. Hence the term platonic, was waiting for the supposed boyfriend appears, ie, could not decide, they could not go after their favorite men. A bad it was and is the basis of my discussion, which in today's times women should be less Platonic, in the philosophical sense and always wanting the right to vote and in the popular sense that they are not Platonic. After all in modern times men can become so influential that when they go after women may end up going after one and influence with his "milonga" (Cuban term) or sung (Brazilian term) thousands of women making love and sometimes millions of these women.
It would be like a concert guitarist decided to send a kiss to win just one muher the show but does not name. All would think they were for themselves. An error in communication theory.
For this ethical man with many advantages, influences and can not go after a woman not to harm the remaining under its area of influence, which could be influenced by it.
They help most were less Platonic. Would be less jealous, after all they went after the favorite, do not run the risk of man preferred to go after her, and in order to have thousands as competitors. Because he going after her it would influence the rest.
But there is also the film Platoon which was a call for Hollywood in the 80's to the soldiers of the world do not make the mistake that happened in the 60s in the War Vietnan.

Plans who influenced Hollywood at the time, of course, already knew that the country would enter in the various wars that happen. And all they had to fight against for example the problem of going to war against guerrillas, communication theory (Pink Hiroshima which was in the AM or shortwave radio in the ears of the soldiers in the Pacific Ocean during World War II).
It was a preparation that would mess with the enemy soldiers and armies techniques that existed in World War II and after the war in vietnan. There are many sub Calls within this film.
I had to study it. There is the "hordes" "waves of men unprepared but that aims uam lot of men in relation to the enemy, the guerrillas used in war vietnan.
There is intrigue between officers and sergeants because the theory of communication guerrilla loves tinkering with intrigue and destroy an army doing his officers and sergeants quarrel against each other.
Because actually terrorist groups of the 60s and 70s were reaching the governments of many countries and were dominating communication systems. Would use advertising, and communication theory communications systems that they had in the 60's and 70 to intrigue among the officers and sergeants.
A technique to master maomist separation.
In the film shows that maomism was harmful to the North American Army had to suffer as the soldiers of World War II suffered from the radio pink Hiroshima. But more developed.
Platton shows a technique in despicable military sciences, but in hordes guerrilla action could lead an officer to make the anti sciences military action is to request a suicide attack on you own to keep the enemy lines destroyed.
Military Sciences did not admit suicide. In Vietnam there is a benefit in advertising sciences military never leave a soldier behind, ie if 10 goes to front-line 10 has to go back. They give birth to the rescue as a weapon.
Not admit suicide. And suddenly the film there is a request for suicide.
Cleaning should occur around the command center to decide something that did not make the film group fall into trap. Does not suffered an invasion of consciousness? Leading them astray?
And at the time of the trap command center should provide conditions for these retreat. Can not be suicide.
So ask the armies war between armies, (see the publications in North American defense department, the military confide in 2010. Witness the joranis with call history of Russian generals, Americans and others in Europe. Since the guerrilla is treacherous. It deals with betrayal. Terrorists explode and cause terror, fear not because warn, do not declare war. then they make the statement.
This is to betray the people, civil protection miltiar waiting, and military is always ready to go to war. Terror takes the peace of civil and military.
A formal declaration of war. attack the back is cowardly technique.

An instructional film, and music in order to show that the evil in the end of the decade showed that sadness beautifully composed by Samuel Barber was the farewell of courage, bravery by the action of cowardice in the world. Samuel Barber was a Jewish composer who lived in the United States of America.


Jews suffer from cowardice Nazi World War II. Take everyone by surprise and will cowardly killing. Samuel Barber Adagio was the preview that we can already see how the story was in the 90s. The birth of a terrorist wave with Nazi flag

In praise of political treachery and military. It was the end of the 20th century. If you see any growth in Military Sciences since the first world war, which is the output of trench warfare, to the output of the second world war that is the big losses on such operations criticism of some of the great and late General Patton. And then growth for the Korean War is the fact that quitting not to sacrifice their soldiers, and after the redemption in War Vietnan showing that he had the war had changed, has ended up ending with the end of 20th century. leave the whole history of evolution in military science to enter the 21st century with the betrayals goal. That scared and angry populations in the world.

Hugs and Good Week

Benedito Ubirata da Silva

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