
face the fear python.

Another post from a friend who gave me the idea to discuss a problem observed.

Die Versuchung war groß, es bei der Darstellung der fallenden Blüten zum folgenden Flaubert Zitat zu belassen:
„Blumen fallen hernieder und der Kopf eine Pythonschlange züngelt auf.“
Detail Pythonschlange (c) Zeichnung von Susanne Haun
Detail Pythonschlange (c) Zeichnung von Susanne Haun
Aber ich habe der Versuchung widerstanden und auch die Schlange in die Zeichnung integriert. Ich mag den Kontrast zwischen dem “Schönen” und dem allgemein als “Greulichen” bezeichneten.

see the rest of the text in the link below:


I've been there years before entering university to study geology. I began to face the fear python. I had to get used to the forest and its risks. But a symbol that can not be visited. At the time I observed in different angles, from the psychological (I knew a doctor and psychoanalyst German descent hours we talked about various subjects, was a good friend who passed away) I saw the significance in terms of Zoology, Ecology and reached the European problem in time that was infectious diseases, and epidemiology. And then I felt satisfied and feel that time had faced my fears. Why? I gave a concrete sense, not symbolic. I began to see that there was a discussion about the 80 rats, and that in some countries in Eastern Europe had adopted the use of Python in control rats.In my opinion, if the python appears in the collective unconscious as a symbol, is a subject, but the subject under discussion in epidemiology at the time did not know if it was healthy to use threads of ecology to combat excess rats. Today I realized that a lot of people laughing in eastern europe and western europe, because they agree (tidies the problem of infectious diseases subject matter but worsening in psychological sciences, political sciences and communication sciences. Symbolically or not, I was the distinction my mother taught genetics to face the discomfort: A python in your dreams a priori means betrayal.'s common in latin america people dream about snakes and have a bad impression of betrayal (is something old and traditional, perhaps a European influence in Latin america since there are many European colonies in latin america with Portuguese, Germans, Ukrainians, Russians, Poles, Italians, Spaniards, French and Dutch.) An explanation of the teens who can understand the universe of naive, or those who observe the symbolism in collective unconscious. After much complaining that dreams with python happened, she decided to teach me that dreams about snakes mean intelligence. Ie a compliment? Or else you will have to use the intelligence. Either you were being intelligence. still gives to use this teaching in the universe of the naive, the teenager begins to want to use a little more your intelligence to solve their problems, demands of his good census, and stay tuned to the knowledge of the elders.I started to observe more deeply my old professors, and went to live with them anymore in person (a topic that took noticeably a compliment to me and them, nothing replaces face coexistence in terms of loss of consciousness in the future, the only person recognizes who lived in person the virtual universe can be an evil that generates a psychiatric problem which is the self-reference. And there are sadists who love autoreferentes suffer). I began to discuss my academic projects in the past trying to get some unique ideas and perhaps re-current technology could help them. I finished raising the concern with cosmic rays in the 30s. In the depths I used the fact of dreams (maybe at the time was still healthy and reliable brain waves and dreams (FM is controllable?, Now do not recommend), I went to study to try to take the university knowledge to social ascendancy. And moreover calculated that would be a consequence. A python in the unconscious of a person should always be considered the person who can solve the problem that afflicts. however should be considered when there is the collective unconscious. And I've been checking a lot of people putting in europe pictures of pythons, social networks from east to west Europe. spiders About I still think beneficial. pythons But about is something that should be analyzed and isolated. collective unconscious In the simplest I can analyze it mean loss of money and no one wants to lose money.

Hugs and good week

Benedito Ubirata da Silva

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