
Operandis Modus

symbolic because many of these wars are being forced and forced to be the mafia and these are the greatest fighters against the mafia and terrorism. They do this just to show the media that are capturing terrorists and mobsters, but it actually alienates and makes away with the real terrorists and gangsters. It is a case study formal institutions that contaminated mafia and terrorism by sacrificing the honest to receive sums of underground banks own mafia. They need to show results but by receiving the mafia they sacrifice the innocent and fabricate false evidence, false reports, a country with the mafia boost your productivity and development. In future only live to coerce innocent and hijack the emotions of powerful people and honest. This evil is the new name called institutionalized terrorism.Only in my university people were killed and arrested by state police with army backing of the Brazilian who is legally responsible for these polciais and arrested these people and destroyed morally, or by racism, or make false claims that they were terrorists or criminals.It is a Operandis modus. And this can be considered as the numbers that devastate the morale of the Brazilian society over the years and just living in the world of marketing personnel in the handling of the collective unconscious. In a country which is already the second largest consumer of narcotics in the world such as Cocaine, considered the official newsletter of the Department of Defense United States of America, the chief of army staff General Dempsey visits the Andes in Colombia.
A news and act as a European parliament this should be regarded as a good deed and acknowledged. A country that carries friendship with the Mafia will corrode by illicit enrichment, youth. It can contaminate other youths in the world due to the inevitable necessity of globalization. Once the process of globalization has been happening in the world, or even continental regionalization continentalization, a country that corrupts and destroys its borders with irregular habits of moral conduct and corrupt other young people from other countries.
This creates wear. This generates antagonism to plans for countries that want to define a model of ingenuity in its population for better mental health, reducing your self waking, finds as U.S. President Barack Obama's desire their people: the ingenuity.
If a country is in open contact with other countries and see the ingenuity installed in these countries, the misconduct by the low moral quality modus operandis good ties with corruption and mafia-like actions and poor quality of justice in its legal system, influences negative youth of each country that has its doors open to globalization this country morally wrong.
The action of asking the company that do not associate the bad habit of living together with the Mafia is essentially good and healthy.
That's what this article presents Parliament with the ideas and the Parliamentary calls.And attached to General Dempsey's official newsletter of the United States of America demonstrated the concern of evil called mafia and terrorism plaguing the Americas.

MEP Sonia Alfano: "Ordinary laws don't work against the mafia"

Institutions 03-05-2012 - 17:10

A sample letter to the Military Police internal affairs of the state of Sao Paulo, where mobsters and suffers from the problems reported in terroristicos CPI in the Chamber of Deputies of the Federative Republic of Brazil.

Official letter to the internal affairs of the Military Police of São Paulo and copies to the United States of America.Because the average person can not look for a car auteramente military police of the state of SãoPaulo, and paying taxes regularly and motivating internal affairs of the same conduct des TES police for years as a tradition, and suddenly coercion, mistreatment of same officers. What is the guarantee of security, and false bulletins ocrrencia that citizen can have. Principlamente this citizen having an excellent social curriculum, as the Brazilian Navy nuclear submarine project, a former student at the University of sao paulo. Clean sheet in sao paulo civilian police and several scientific projects involving the welfare of the city of sao paulo.I think your police went beyond the limit, scouts and polciais force tactic threatened me in public squares in front of African descent by taking the best moral and good treatment they could give me, leading me the low moral quality, and still taking risks of coercion and torture to those who might be in the world testemulhas african descent? I've been watching the moral conduct disqualified many years of his soldiers. Having the right path of friendship and good conversation, but they do not learn to stop being racist. I have published several papers on mafia and terrorism, with the wave of post graduate studies in England by anti terrorist Saint Andrews University and at the time that I can point out a good conduct of the police of the city that I live there but the possibility of inserting terrorists I have to feel a fugitive of the same police that can indeed being hooked by the same forces that the police high command tries to end. How risks of Shining Path, FARC scale. in Brazilian territory as stated in the CPI Brazilian Chamber of Deputies and the Army General Jorge Armando Felix and Federal Delegate Daniel Lorenz.How can I study something of relevance to the high command of the state Military Police, his officers and soldiers are no good to point out for being racist, which may be a descendent of what both a scholar who is fighting them alfingem terrrorista the danger in the country and state ?A citizen can not face a military police car to see if taxes are being well spent, if the military police soldiers behave well, or if for example they are clean and lawful conduct?If we do not look like bandits will then be taken that do not have the courage to look for those that we hold at the time of tax payments.We can not reverse the moral rights and moral duties. And neither the moral values.If an ordinary citizen is afraid of the police moral inversion occurs.

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