
Good luck to the Italians

Италия: сюрпризы выборов в местную администрацию

21/05 19:53 CET
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Good luck to the Italians, just feel sad for not being able to support Italian companies here in Brazil. We suffered from that U.S. policy changes with the help of existing lines here in Brazil a real chaos in stress. I hope you get lucky, it appears a need to impose within the Asian and European media through the suffering of own. With a sensational call that they have salvation. And every time that European or Asiatic countries try to contain the hysteria stress social phenomena happen to prevent estabilization independently american. Does not see a xenophobic policy to Americans, but they force it to make the internal propaganda begun in North America that the world is against them and they need to reorganize. A motivation to self-centeredness, to hide an internal instability. The American people live unhappy with internal politics and begins to show discontent, and as they have no real reason other than self-criticism they come out of self-criticism saying that it has international enemies. This motivation to say that the enemies are hiding negative international affairs that U.S. identifies a need for self-criticism but just saying fleeing culprits are those who have the North American rhetoric. The North American anti rhetoric even before it was used as terrorists by the international environment, but with the politics of finding them extremely voracious enemies to justify internal instability increases with facts viziveis in several countries in the world that were not previously considered enemies. As an example when the Americans pulled their ships to settle in southern Japan the Japanese people did not want the U.S. military presence in that place, was unanimous million Japanese who did not want the presence of these, what happened was that momentary the call for political office that motivates momentarily, but as Japan is a democracy icon audience of government is changed forever and will eventually return democratic, fatigue and answering calls “commotions” North American. They have a strange and not acceptable million in suicide only in the 80 to 90, they begin to know what happens in the world and begin to improve, to prevent the risks of being near.
It is visible in social networks and in newspapers facts of discontent and increased North American rhetoric in anti people now not terrorists, but normal juridical and moral vision of the world.
The North Americans do not lend themselves more to hear the warning of former social activists and international politicians that if they continued internal and external politics that would they end up having to make those persons considered friends to be enemies only to have no self-criticism that they were wrong and having to pay debts of the mistakes made.
As victims are increasing over vitimicidade of international politics wrong, they will have now, these humble people and victims, as enemies. And how humble the absurdity of the North American system will considering all as “terrorists.”
This increased stress world because no one wanted to see them as enemies, none of these humble people, but to be able to get away from the systematic to bail toward themselves had to start getting away from so-called North American calls, which in the end only the socorriam unstable world of the U.S., “but wearing the rest of the world” for them to stay stable.
They ended up making everyone in the world, the slaves own internal instability americana.
Note: See the financial events that begin to be on this side in the 80s.
They take questions and should take North American solutions to the world. This international exhausted people who wanted to be friends. They called Xenophobia!
I hope you succeed in Italy the stability that many do not want you guys have and can maintain an increased unity between Eastern Europe and Western Europe believe that if you want to own the Americans do not. Believe it.
If the basis of Asian and European-based instabilities can dominate their continental pay they will not know their internal debts of 15 trillion U.S. dollars by selling live they need to save the world will soon need to finance them.
They abuse other symbolic wars.
They do not take into consideration and are concerned about the potentially positive results in countries that are beginning to put in order its effects previously not understood by the most humble people of their countries. With this understanding of these respective countries begin to have emotional and internal stability in consequence a better development.
They deny and are causing “commotion” that cut the restructuring of British phenomena. They do not accept the Romanian and Greek phenomena of internal instability by external influences.
They do not recognize the German phenomena, they do not recognize the phenomena Spanish and Russian. All these other countries such as Norway, georgia, latvia, letonia attempt to achieve internal stability and always a “commotion” eventually stress them.
And the worst that this action is seen that the fear is that once the stability occurs, the respective countries can not hide that had to be domestic terrorist attack, whether financial or by sabotage of large sizes, but also took action against intelligence , which was not only from countries considered in the 70 problems but other countries that naively draw up the souls of its citizens.

Good Week
Benedito Ubirata

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