
After two years observing and working could Readers

I wrote on the internet for three years, with subjects within an editorial line more or less specific. I remember I got here at the Stoa USP (there are other social networks that begin to grow more than you think, and other univesidades and these are open).
Do not let too much out the discovery of the lack of people's vision and scientific discourse, (believe me, when I discovered this need not deny that I was in shock because it is much bigger than I thought)
I went from scientific discourse to the more or less didactic explanation of phenomena that I watched. (More or less didactic because, I do not think that's great that people have all easily chewed)
Why? I suffered to learn and understand things, the value only happens when there is a bit of suffering, not in the context of the paranoid world like Opus Dei, like the movies that are lashing the assimilation theory. But the factor most Spartan, fighting to "get up" and after a good sex and pleasure in bed). Without this suffering, nothing is reachable in mind and contrast control and pleasure. If you give something chewed up the mind can grasp, but not value, you end up futlizando.
Often I watched the context of the issues and the amount of reading and that could lead to or have many readings and a median value.
For this I tried to write in three languages, the English, a blog in the United States. Spanish in Spain (I believe readers are the Spanish capital) and the other in Portuguese who was here at USP. Just to feel the acceptability of the subjects in different places and how the acceptance of the system we live every day. "System" in the sense of how Mr. Henry Kissinger spoke in the 70s.
I do not know if that's what I put, which are the excerpts of my profiles and statistics is to brag.
It is like I read an article in Alternet.Org, a European journalist researched in a CIA report from the same institution, that the Soviets in the 60 and 70 had reached a point that the system was so heavy that they had such as searching for their economy by reports made by foreigners about their country in foreign countries the USSR.
At the time I read this article I laughed a little and then I was a little worried. He saw no lie, I researched a bit and realized that I was not much truth and North American advertising over the Soviet past. The wall fell and with it the hypocrisy and desmascar of the Cold War. The report was true. They cited the reports to the Kremlin .
So here is how a research environment, I decided to leave the statistics of my profile more or less to relive this moment in Soviet us.
The subjects are interesting to us because foreigners hatch, but despite being subject to international scenarios turn out to be not having borders. But you do not hear it on the Brazilian side, with constructive criticism, to observe that the country could not be stopped years. Or say that walking but the numbers and reality collide. Consistency. This is what we should have.
They are indirect observations that lead to study rather the values ​​are indirect economic or social, or psychological.
As two teachers dead USP would say in their terms and chairs at the University of Sao Paulo:
Induce the "A Social Psychiatry" so say the Professor. Renato Batide , or a "political economy" as read in the book edited by CA Law School in 1969 by Prof. Plinio Antunes . The issues that induce and then invariably converge on issues, which I cited from the Economy to the "Crime of the most common passionalidade . "
I was pleased with the numbers at first, then worried.
See below for excerpts of the profiles. I'm just not the number of Brazil, which incidentally scares me. Why?
Indicate a low level of critical spirit. It may offend, but I am Brazilian and it's sad not realize this critical view in the country, and still seeing it to be strong in most developed countries. This generates a future.
And they always generate future. It scares me . We are in 2012. Not in 1980 .

This profile numbers are the Spanish

Notice that has the dates

The other detail is that sometimes, they are bound by the words that were perhaps in the context of the collective unconscious, but I realized that this is below.
There is a perception of issues as a reason to read. And not always the words. That is, the collective unconscious is not the salient feature, but the Collective Emotional . Sounds simple, but it is not.
Writing against the collective emotional , or write to fears or against the wishes and expectations is to have no collective reading.
At first I would not contest what they read ... Once I understood, I was quiet and left for the lucky readers of the action of the authorities, if the response action to realize the search. Good luck authorities.
Otherwise, nothing more than to let it go. That's what I did and continued to live. The inhibition is unclear.
Just got another fear, inhibition or not. They are human beings. Tomorrow we will have no military critics, scientists, critics, without them there is aggression in society. They are all static. They are aggressive.
Military and Scientists inhibited ? I do not know! I have not studied psychology and or Public Administration, in 1984 (great year) I opted for the science of non-living beings, rocks or water.

And here's the blog of the U.S., I give a sampling of readers, with map of region with the provision of most of the readings. The European industry justifies the values ​​of the Spanish blog.
How would the Statistical Parametric, there is a correlation .

The values ​​above is a social network? Not a Spanish ISP sector in an area that releases or blog posting, www.terra.es.
The map of annual sampling is www.blogger.com
I do not put the samples I noticed typing my full name on the Internet is Brazilian or international. That is to do something so that the "Engines" can not be tainted, manipulated.
Do not put the audiences in the light of comments on sites foreign government or foreign newspapers that I participated in two years.
They do not interfere, oddly enough.
The pipeline is the best way.
Excuse me.
The formalization is needed, the rest is false power .

Good week
Benedito Ubirata

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