
Nice Work

 I walked for many places in 3 years. the one that more I heard to say in the streets, it was that the boys had to work.
The one that more if he/she saw were the old women giving praises the girls that worked.
How much vulgarity when some people said that you/they were working, and the the old women said that that was not work.
The simple men said that the boys had to work. However they criticized those that said that you/they had to work.
In the end many didn't win the praise: Good I work man. Or then: This woman worked.

in the bottom they began to complain, because they call this of work.
As they destroyed everything with the reducionismo of explaining something with just an or two words.  The fast clues.
as if something important it is summarized to fast clues. Then they ask to have Love.
And the ones that ask only want the demagogy, or the sectarianism.

It was enough to hear

Gershwin - Nice Work If You Can Get It (1937)
with Billie Holiday

I didn't get to find a more recent interpretation with Carol Kidd. However if the reader has more luck, he will also have a great pleasure to listen to Gershwin in that singer's voice.

It was enough to listen to Carol Kidd - Nice Work If You Can Get It

The people forgot about Burt Bacharah and Dionne Warwick

They has the same sense for which they eulogize of good work.

But to understand it is only to see the coincidence. Gershwin in 1937 with that music. Powders first war, powders crisis of 1929 and the consequence, deception.

A challenge: All to leave well. United States of America in 1937.
Something happening in the east and many north American coming back from the problem that you/they made to return them.
It is suddenly to find states united of the america and to have the mission to help to leave the country without the deception.
They has Gershwin.
They has Holywood with Lost Horizon (1937). Is a 1937 American drama-fantasy film directed by Frank Capra. The screenplay by Robert Riskin is based on the 1933 novel of the same title by James Hilton.
The proposal that maybe the turn of them of the east would have one experiences that they observed that would be good for the American north.

The sublimation (term in psychology)

The oriental are what best explains in his/her culture, the sublimation.
To read the proposals of the Freudian school that they begins to understand the traumas, the depression, the war neurosis and then to run to adapt the knowledge of the oriental culture. Carl Jung

It is then to review Lost Horizon (1937).
And if it doesn't lose in the idea of just to have the secret of eternal youth's life. Just something so that the American north exalted the Deception. The depression.

Burt Bacharah and Dionne Warwick appears again in the same title in 1973. Lost Horizon (1973) is a 1973 American drama-fantasy film directed by Charles Jarrott is based on the 1933 novel of the same title by James Hilton.
To see the letters of the music, they doesn't get lost in something that the film shows that seems to be important, that is the youth's source.
But yes the sublimation, work.
The is not been few years of 1929, or to First World War
But yes the turn of the veteran of a war also psychological, sociological, philosophical, cultural.
The enemy no if ateve to give shots. They used of the theory of the communication. To guerrilla they enters in the communication. they enters in the speeches. He/she is going to the universities.
And the veteran ones, returned. They has to have job, peace. And free from what they had in First World War and powders 1929 and the depression for war neurosis.
the best was  Lost Horizon (1973), a proposal.

It was only to read the letters.

It was out of the touch sectarist of the ones that asked more love in the society. And of the Demagogy of who wanted to be famous asking for more love.
Well the first verse of Gershwin in 1937.

Veteran of war, academical youths in cultural revolution are suspicious. Tired.
They only needed to be calm. A lot of tension for a long time takes to traumas and later problems. Just to exalt.

The letters (lyrics) showed everything. in a touch without demagogy, and a good ballad. Without euphoria.

Hugs and kisses

Benedito Ubirata

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