
A map sad

 Unruhestand: Verlassen sich die Deutschen im Alter auf die gesetzliche Rente oder als Freiberufler auf ihre berufsständische Versorgung, fehlen jedem im Bundesdurchschnitt pro Monat 806 Euro, um den gewohnten Lebensstandard zu halten. Besonders hoch ist die Versorgungslücke im Süden und Westen.

a map sad.
Because it shows that the union of the two Germanys have not turned entirely what was West Germany. The map shows the highest level we had western Germany.The union speech was exactly this: The East Germans ran to the best way of life western Germany. The development of western Germany was better, the newspapers before marriage showed lower development for young people in East Germany. They were more hopeful (happy) with the marriage proposal.And after the union there was a strong migration of East Germans to jobs in western Germany.Or was there a room for not wanting to develop the region of eastern Germany, or else you can not even analyze the pension amounts in the region East Germany.The second hypothesis, and more acceptable, it means that a board would have to have the basic framework 30. Time more or less necessary for a person to retire and receive their pensions.The period of installation of industry and trade of Germanys after the union could not have been instantaneous. After the marriage, must have taken a few years.

If the lead time of 10 years of investment in the installation of eastern Germany, so after October 1990, which occurred the reunification of Germany, it would note that a Germany "more or less" uniform would be installed only in 2000. From this moment is that with the level of pensions. So after 30 years from 2000 is that it would have a view that pensions could be better or not one side or the other in Germany. Now only shows the standard of living that the East Germans had before 1990. So you see that if today is 2013. Most newly pensioner began work in 1980 on the basis of hypothesis 30 years to retire. The map only shows that in 1980 the West German earned nearly 50 percent more than the West Germans. Ie, socialism was not giving better conditions for the workmen. Keeping the analysis that Germany remains non-socialist (capitalist) for over 20 years, the time required for the newly operario 2000, after full installation of uniformatização the German way of life, will be the proof that socialism was already bankrupt.If no errors occur unnecessary expenditure in the country, this will have a German uniformatização pensions in 2030. If you do not want a West German rivalry unintelligent differences pension just by being in west germany, keeping the vision 2013. But be glad that the East German in 2030 may be as well paid as the West German pension, these two Germans, Eastern and Western, can shout that Germany is much better than a disorganized germany.And in turn safer compared to other countries, which still keeps the social aspect of social or political intrigue. Will demonstrate happiness for being productive. A good example.

 Read the text accompanying the map on the link below:

„Auf das Rentensystem rollt ein Tsunami zu“

 Aktualisiert am Donnerstag, 13.06.2013, 11:53 · von FOCUS-Online-Autor

"...  Die gesetzliche Rente sichert oft kaum noch die Existenz. Für die FOCUS-Online-Leser ist das ein Skandal. Viele glauben nicht mehr an die Zukunft des Rentensystems. Was sie besonders aufregt: die Privilegien bestimmter Gruppen.
2012 erhielt fast jeder zweite Rentner weniger als 700 Euro – die Summe, die Senioren im Schnitt als Grundsicherung zusteht. Deswegen forderte Ulrike Mascher, die Präsidentin des Sozialverbands VdK, eine Rücknahme der Rentenreformen: „Das Absenken des Rentenniveaus von derzeit 51 Prozent auf 43 Prozent bis zum Jahr 2030 muss gestoppt werden.“ Das sieht die Deutsche Rentenversicherung anders – nach wie vor seien lediglich zwei Prozent der Altersrentner auf zusätzliche Grundsicherung im Alter angewiesen. ..."


 Good Week

Benedito Ubirata da Silva

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