
separation between intimacy and responsibility

Few respected the separation between intimacy and responsibility. The disrespect pro to work must have taken hundreds of millions madness. Pretty soon humans will have sex like dogs in the street in daylight. That was my education with 12 years of age (1975) in my Italian and Soviet influence. The old representing these influences screaming from their homes that existed indignation, and showed me the dogs mating in the street and laughing at the insane difficulty that the males had over the female. Hours later I had my first reading in old encyclopedias (1945) that my mother had. Gonorrhea or gonorrhea. How it worked and your risk in dogs. Days later I started to work, I did not believe it had middle-aged women at the time, influencing other vulnerable women having sex with dogs. Only after 30 years I've come to believe that these women could have influenced other women more vulnerable. Why? I was 12! And I have not studied psychiatry. Had my basic knowledge in adolescence because I worked in the Italian pharmaceutical industry. There I learned because I think the madness do this. After 2 years. run the risk of taking an anti biotic 1g to try to cure a sexual addiction induced. Irresponsibility who allowed? I was 14 years old, how could I say stop, I'm 50 years now and I can not. What area in the margin of this influence? Not counting the time, and the mobilizations of new women vulnerable over time, these areas of influence? I'm afraid to say. Will say I'm crazy, because of so many institutions that gave power to these women.

The worst note: as in paranoia, or psychosis these women influenced women vulnerable over time?

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