
Defending a new method and a new line of research

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I started down this path.
Local Power and Electrical Engineering Institute of USP.

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
A project. Case study.

Back home from praiseworthy. Without prejudice. Nor is saint ... My old, my mother Dona Maria Helena de Carvalho . My last place of studies over the past 19 months.

Another new line of research and formalization of my editorial. I sent up a letter to the Faculty of Law, University of Sao Paulo. For those who do not know ... The old tradition of respecting the secretaries of department and office. Now, thanks to international law.
But the editorial line of the blog. Again, a new line of research.

There is direct mail.

Provenance. Review.

Remember old was called. And I heard it was called.
University of St. Andrews, United Kingdom.

Many thanks to the FBI and the Department of Justice North America. I provided many documents that helped me formulate my hypotheses.
One of these institutions by citing my blog because the same U.S. watched events with Members of U.S. Congress.

But back to old and ancient line of research.

Coordinator of Special Projects
Ministry of the Brazilian Navy.

And finally the two bases for those who want to follow the path "still free."

and the surprise is that there's no escape
goes from the Geological Sciences Mathematical Sciences Military Science to Science of Criminal Investigation

And the only pair of Sciences praised in my short walks around Sao Paulo
Physical Sciences
Historical Sciences
in my case
With files from the Department of Military History of the United States of America I was able to produce a work that I'm jealous of myself, the Korean War.
I managed to tie watching nearly every topic of this post.
History of the USArmy. But I can produce something that the link below to read in Spanish, is a bit of geological and sedimentological observations, hydrological, and oceanographic. The subject is interesting and shows the suffering and expectation of the Chinese people, and South Korea in the Yellow Sea.


La guerra en Corea del Norte, which puede be light?


Because of this post I got to get the Brazilian Navy.
Just noting that we have an excellent Brazilian nuclear project while only under supervision of the Brazilian Navy.

I compared with satellite images, geological maps, documents and photos and the Museum of the American Army North Korea as it was in 1950.
And the suffering of the life expectancy of China (Shanghai) and South Korea all live on rice and fish in the Yellow
Sea a sea of ​​icy water.

Hugs and good week

Benedito Ubirata da Silva

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