
In times of recession, scientific studies (reading), and rest. 1

For those who want to do is rest and reading, so if you read something that gives to rest.
The site I read years ago.
But it does not seem to have passed 5 years University of São Paulo, from when I started watching these movies. In addition to reading many newsletters, so many international reports, I've got him home to live abroad, have received up projects that I collaborate abroad. Time passes and only increases the problem. Let him who sits only gives room for disappointment may not be able to correct those happening in the trend. Those who do not have good example can not achieve the emotional young. It was a hard period of 3000  readings, writing from reading news, newspapers and magazines. Both scientific as Nature, Science and other areas of political and military. The lever to push young people and children is not only the imagination and keep you emotionally. Must have level of success. I learned with you. there are people being used to recruit and enlist in the degree of non-success. Only when they want to see which way the report were recruited and enticed.
Here you have an address of a blog that has reviews for many films, it is good to rest and learn to make reading of films.
As for which films in the 90s I'd say in 93. Turns in the thirty. I was 30.
But for movies, statements of the literature, even some suggestions of films I always talk to people. I was always finding myself with them. Or was it in the clubs of staff who always had a video library, or in some other points that we were dating. With this only on my common sense, to choose directions, suggestions, and advice, it is good to improve our minds and always re-evaluate our ability social.E in whom we walk and we follow the suggestions.
Council of my old psychologist, when I did a brief therapy (I was to experience, had come out about this new type of therapy in the Journal of USP and I was curious, do not know if I liked, only, Brief Therapy, or Psychology [beautiful ? hot? let's be polite])
Anyway the advice was: What would be better if I lower my sensible. (2001)
In fact it was interesting because it was just an excellent review of what I had learned in 85, by a nun. For example the false jealousy was one of the things we do not have the teaching given by a holy person, nothing works, the persistence in the air it becomes continuous, the decentralization invariably happens.
Another lesson is that this time traveling south of Brazil by the way I can make friends, and with so many people talking and exposing his thoughts, could not retain my old instructions. Emotions make our instructions are lost. And my instructions were too important to be forgotten. It was a good review of the psychologist.
To get an idea of ​​the old instructions that Brazil is the South, should not happen. There is only one Brazil.
I was small when I went for the exams of the School of Cadets of the Air Force in Barbican. Receive the disapproval was painful.
There was nobody in the neighborhood that was running. At school I only had silly by that symbol. The Yellow Wing.
I'll never forget when he came to fail, I remember this time I was upset, I just threw away the wood pyrography I drew on the wing of the Brazilian Air Force yellow after a few years.
Almost all of my kits from Revell Aircraft of World War II that my aunt and my father gave me everything I sent into space.
It was 1976. I had my collection of kits from Revell that my great-aunt gave me every time she had money left from his hair salon. Mogi Mirim and we walked when we walked in the toy store, always had a plane to ride in small models. The smaller scales I did not like. (The planes that are large in scale at the end of almost half a meter)
After the failure could only finish the gym and go to Collegiate. And constantly receive instruction. I was very, I acquired the habit of never having a single group of friends. I acquired the habit of never telling a single class one truth about me.
If he saw a movie, sometimes with a commented. If you read a book sometimes talking to others. It was the last pre-separation. What a funny always used the concepts of Freudian psychology. That is, I always thought it was normal stages of adolescence. As the facts would grow a normal teenage girl going on, the separation of groups of friends would happen: Friends who are married, people who get a girlfriend, after friends who have children and so on. Until the death of all. Each separation was posing as normal.
And then came the last statement of separation and a nun, we can not have love as a fixed thought. The lack of sensitivity, rather than the cold is required to be a good memory to have good observation.
And that made me fail impregnated with an issue that psychometric test 1976. Never let it be. Even after I entered the USP. And it could never be more than what even seeing so many people dying.
We try to do anything beyond that point. But it never works. The statement in question will no longer break up the time that the statement of the issue begins and ends. After that only suffers. There are almost 34 years. And do not fail. Every time I went to a distant point, see, observe, report, from the moment they passed it, I just hurt me.
The question directs, do beyond what is breaking the rules.
You can not do the work of an entire army. Otherwise you focus, you become a star.
The batter just watches and alerts. The rest is who does the Army. For this one returns to its point of report and report what they saw. The question seemed easy, but had five alternatives.
And one of them is stupidity for those who responded. I remember like it was today, it was as if I heard after I had responded, the others were responding.
I do not know whether to laugh or if he got nervous.
Almost everyone around me that would be answered after arriving at the venue and took the weapon and used against the enemy.
Stupid I told myself at the time. And the army will know how?
For the use of Scout? I laughed the other.
And while so many people kept looking at Morumbi Stadium doing the same test.
But that question was silence, and the number 2 pencil would not let me do the erasure. It marked the first choice if I used the eraser.
No one gets to use their weapons and attack the enemy, have to report back to the visa. It was easy.
I watched as much film of the second world war in black and white, with those directors who are the good war movies (in my opinion, I think, because the movies were good war movies where the actors actually their uniforms soiled in the mud and injuries). What the watching scouts with them the stories, there were plenty to answer the question.
Note: to my relief was reminded of films after the question answered. After only has to listen to what others were responding after I answered, and I remember how nervous I was and went to check what I had answered. Then came the silence of so many people doing the test. We could not even lift his head. It was a military test. And I had answered differently. It was easy. I did not want to understand why the answer so stupid. Perhaps because he had to be, do not understand why they did not do the obvious. As logical.
Finally he was 13, my capacity only, not to forget what went right and follow another path. I left the idea of ​​the School of Cadets of the Air Force. My father insisted again, did other military tests just to make him happy. Maybe it was the influence of the time that the left was very aggressive and wanted at all costs to make more control to your style. And apparently it did not work. He did not, but talked a great deal left, critivamos hours straight left that have not accepted him. Unions were objectionable in terms of our descent Brazilian Economy in the wood bars where we met, made us glad that years later, all were broken. They left their base and went their separate ways began to stop being pawns of the season left. Unionism and politics is a dangerous thing. If you are not critical and control nothing works.
Do not depend on me.
But that was the proof, 1976. That was what influenced me, gave me instruction. The others only remember the instructions from my father before the tests. The rest I do not see the results. I felt that this would not be my way, I was beginning to build the libraries that I would follow. Now would go back and redo something that did not work. Aspirant difference is Cadet.
With the instruction of Nun, was able to keep in mind, all I needed.
If I hold the other instructions, especially those just entering the emotional side, I certainly would have ceased to be Christian. Amazingly, a Christian education of Christians who have always been taught to love as something important. For me this was. Served? My intent has always been to protect those who protected me, Christians. I think it served.
Why? I had to walk in places that I had to walk and emotions would not be able to continue. How to continue without having stomach?
In these 34 years I saw many people condemning everything received by sacred love. Throwing it all away, that is the enemy, or to futile (if the enemy is behind the acts is also futile to a specialized group, then distributes the observation).
"What would you do if a batter was called by the official to see the front of enemy territory. And find the enemy"
Without proper coldness in the things I saw, if I had not this lack of sensitivity, and the constant worry of being original. I could not see what I wanted and needed.
The world was changing so much I could not see, and I even consider today a very favorable thing for me. I had to be kept naive lot. That to me is very favorable. For I am free of such perversion.
I discuss that today I smile, I'm happy. I'm always smiling. I did not attend these things to be unconscious, naive, induced ignorance.
If I need to audit something, sure to be a lot easier. It has always been much easier. I see with the sight of an ancient world.
I notice the books that I had to read. With classroom instruction in person. With personal observations and conversations with people from all walks of life that allowed me to Society. If today she ask about classes higher or lower I have this vision. I can conflict with everything I see left.
A batter, if you had it and made it back alive. Assuming that one day I went to scout, taking into account a lot of obstacles I had to go alone as a good hitter. It also may give many good reports.
There are times when it is best to do alone. A long time I've settled so much better, is much easier then. It's a lot more happiness.
And have the guarantee that if these errors are errors and yours alone. For those who analyzes the results is easy to evaluate the limits of who was watching.
There are times that I had with someone would be much better. It would have to share the vision. Note from different angles of vision. Bases of different careers. It would be much proveitoso.Já happened. The Brazilian is repeated many times to separate people conforntar observations. This is so repetitive and wrong that results is just what you see. It took more than 30 years of Brazil and the world has worsened.
Marketing changes the institutional vision, influence, but does not report is not a source of information is influence. They have the responsibility of influence, but not reported. If you are sure to report reporting to the client. There is no ethics. There is a deviation of only racicínio Customer Portfolio Contractor Marketing.
But often the worst rule is to behave according to what a company boss.
Easy, is that once you can criticize. She becomes responsible for the order, or the responsibility to let you in these conditions.
But over time if you are asked to do more work in the same way, you can not refuse. How did you learn to do alone, learned to see the limits of observation. Learned to see that you can not see farther because there is a need for additional viewing angles.
At that time, the naivety and trust that the Company will not betray you. Observe scientific phenomena can not be made so to see how anyone would. That someone may just want someone to fall with his remark. A note is vitiated only leads to a vicious remark, but if you get to do it you can do it and not be condemned. But there is no guarantee of the enemy does not like. There must be protection. Otherwise, the first thing you will do in the enemy army that is destroying all the scouts. At least that these observations do not scouts aflinjam the enemy. What scouts are these? What should be subordinate to the order of observation to his army, and then will have to give reports that favor the enemy army? For this is not batter. In fact it will tell the Army that no enemy scouts the other army, able to invade a surprise. So the element of surprise that a batter can offer, or if you just defend.
At any time a batter will be very well protected. The society that condemns and unprotected exposure to condemn it or lose it then makes a report and get addicted, totally dangerous for you. For this report only favor the enemy. Suffer the element of surprise.
After the experiences you decline or accept. Conversation with the Company and should not be said to be done in solitude. Will be able to talk if there is a possibility and perhaps the end results will be desaproveitáveis. Or the worst is not at risk of not returning. After all you need for a striker, if it does not return? Requests to make an assessment of how many scouts were left.
Refuses to realize that the need the need to put more eyes, or separately or together.
So I always had a sort that has always considered this as a phase of batter. If it does not come very easy. There will be further incursions.
I was raised well. I have created to be so young. If you have not been spoiled by my will.
I lived it, I read almost every magazine Brazilian Air Force officers, Sindacta, ESA and so much information that at the end when it came to failure. There was only education, and more education, always based on the dark foray forward. And a light weight. Almost everything I wanted in lucky I was. Until a certain time. After my achievements are just what I have learned and did not have recourse to gain by teaching. I can read.
And the worst was given instruction in the classroom, on the streets with persistent meetings. There is only one Brazil South Brazil. Why the worst? As I saw people wanting the separation. It was one of the worst comments. Because along with it comes seduction, money, women, religion, politics, has much that you keep your cool, will keep in mind you need. And life will follow.
86 And then I got a late stage very strange and coincidental. I was six months alone in a seminary for priests in Campinas off after what is now the CPFL (CESP was then, and at the time the director was Professor José Goldemberg. Remember that seminars had two priests, one was disabled and one was active (I loved going to the asset to eat the lunches they sell, and use the library of the fathers. It was a gift to me, live in Taquaral 6 months alone gave me to redo my mind (ideas, build my future, review goals, learn about new trends). Coincidentally, if I remember correctly, the seminar, sold the property to the former governor of São Paulo, which belongs to the PMDB, and former mayor of Campinas. The world is small, my late uncle was Walfredo construction contractor who sold the house to him. The owner of the building and my uncle were childhood friends. A new phase, and went back to study at USP 3 years later.
I had to follow the right path of my creation, which was not to be sensitive and be original. The coldness is necessary when we have to follow certain paths. It was a nun who taught me, my creation has always been Christian. If they do not live the next 40 years the Monastery Santa Terezinha, I recommend a nice place rides from time to time ... Please. Carmelite nuns are, they can not get out of their cloistered life. Can not walk to see the world. The world has to go see them.
If you live to hear just the way it is dirty and rotten as the air they will suffer much more per year every day.
And I remember the newspapers of the 80 shows that there are people interested so they suffer. Just see who committed the attack on the old pope.
The world is not what it was in my time of adolescence and they are always collected, as are many today. It's no good to just go "next", "ladinho of" places to get inspiration.
Japanese Buddhists have a great lesson: You have to give to receive. If you have got to give.
Also for those who can not have a Japanese Buddhist monastery close to my home and childhood. Right next to my old gym.
You can not live scrapbook. Comments only supports the industry and the lack of intrigue. My messages have been made in writing, with my name, and no code, and always assumed I took what I wrote.
From what I've learned you can not give to others what we do not write and sign. It was something I learned in school. I gave papers at the time of São Paulo, and were read repeatedly for years.
Wrote summaries, reviews, and after the lesson the teacher in the classroom. A good newspaper and a good story is made and signed by the journalist. We lived military dictatorship of the period prescribed the president was the late Mr. General Ernesto Geisel. We saw many people complaining about him, but all of us small boys, girls, lived purity, lightness. We could play, we could study. But to recognize only those who signed their observations.
Because the teaching he said, he was hard line. But who signed were brave. He was much more than the hard-line military dictatorship. He had the hard-line critics who were also readers. After all, if you do not like, do not buy, the run was lost. He had no sponsor and had no profits. Capitalism was the ideological our practice, we protected in this.
Who knew who wrote had to know who to blame or give credit. The hard line was not only the late Army General, former Lieutenant General, an evangelical, of German descent, who was not a Nazi as saying. I am of African descent. I had an excellent education curriculum based on what he left us at that time. So like do not like African descent. And the most beautiful are different.
We can be criticized. But we have the basic formal education and in person. Their demand. This is our story. The absence of Mystification.
The absence of the misuse of imagination.
Imagine not intuit. And in mathematics from the university here, I also learned in the classroom in person: Intuit is not wrong. But imagine bounds. induce the imagination I can only say what I have always taught. Generates unreality with ulterior motives.
The term is mine: "Misuse of Reasoning." If it is not induced or another department, is another observation group. But it is diversion of reasoning.
So something I learned as a recess at the time, it is time to study and rest.
Try to see movies, go back to the ingenuity of silence to the ears of you will. Sometimes not knowing what happens around is much more interesting. When it comes to selection of you, that will count points. Be original.
In Japan people have to select children for their originality factor.
Paste to get a diploma ... I know in my works of note ... I can only say: They do theater all the time about to become paranoid, just watch. They can not be transparent.
The suspresa! Find out what they do outside the theater, just make me the happiest guy in the universe.
Some people due to sensitivity to the taste of the bread you consume. Imagine the rest. I can not see me asking for permission to go to steak house on Avenida Ipiranga. I can not see me asking for permission to go to Santa Iphigenia bungigangas buy my computer. Are those of the latter kind, or used with the origin and guarantee. I wonder asking permission to go buy meat in another "ladinho."
The sensitivity for those who need to have is interesting for those who can not is also interesting. But that does not exist Sensitivity denies those who are special, sacred can not escape the idea of ​​paste, have the title, and then ... The loss of certain sensible.
The other day I talked to a woman my age. Perfectly normal physically, socially completely normal. Two children.
However. Never had an orgasm. My age: 48 years.
Or a woman who does not sleep at 5 years. Or another woman who lives to see what others see. Or even a titled man, unflavored French bread. Or the worst one woman of 55 years, with the face of a woman 20 years old for 15 minutes, taking two blocks at risk of people without power. My mother has its worthy title, have diabetes, fills me with the patience to eat chocolate ice cream, fills me with the patience to eat too much brown. Why does it have the title and has all the senses?
Crime does not pay.
Got a lot, so they do not let me be criminal. I took almost losing his life. I failed many times. But the teaching elder of the planet still exists.
Crime does not pay.
As my aunt said when I was a kid Lourdes:
Between the right and the Doubtful, prefer the right.
Crime does not pay.
Receiving the title of the crime, only that I noticed the enslaved. Track observe the reflections of what they do.
Prefer to naivety.
The Honor is to challenge everything for his mother.
It may even be Prime Minister of any country, can be Minister of Defense of any country, can be General, if the honor is his mother, challenge.
I saw what happened to those who gave. Can not complain, this is the worst. And most of the worst have to eat the tasty barbecue, do not feel anything tasty and pretend that it is very tasty. On that day I laughed when I commented on the air and alone. I'm eating persimmon and is juicy.
I walked by the side of the neighborhood of Santa Cecilia. I had great fun and I was very thankful for letting my girls like to ask all their short very short. I check this by passing well to the side and all very thin and all talking to people on the street, and "personally".
It only makes me the happiest.
The older ones were made not only to disapprove, approve, or to pain. They were meant to protect. They were also made to relieve pain. If you stay in the naivety of course it will happen. Not that older people are foreigners.
Why foreign? What university did not seek an international assessment, or a major international award.
Good recess.
Benedito Ubiratã
Some districts and half later I thank the late Vice President Jose Alencar. His project was granted, and it worked. I just hope that they now show sequence. Call "method José de Alencar."
That the Christian God, has it. As I fought with the old. He read lots and lots of my aggressive criticism. But do not let him down. The genocide did not happen in Rio de Janeiro when he was Minister of Defense. Today I understand, they were victims.
For those who do not know and he suffered greatly. I followed his stay in Sao Paulo every time I come here to make cuts and more cuts because of their cancer. Me and my old Santana smoky and almost always out of gas in the middle of traffic near the airport.
And never forget the day of his burial, and the smile of inadmissible that were present at the wake.

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