
The human species survive a catastrophe independent of the instincts.

This article explains a little call for concern with the issue reversal of moral values ​​to the older. The year the values ​​that had called the elders in a society, lost to the devaluation, and concern only and exclusively monetary and economic policy. Killing and despise their elders would be perhaps the revolution and not evolution darwin darwian. For Darwin the older animals would be if they were human contempt because they were weaker. And Darwin in evolution are always the weak and defeated by the community of animals discarded by the stronger. This could give way to a genetic view that only relies on combinations of biochemical evolution over time. But genetics also adds the knowledge acquired by previous animal. That is, if the acquired knowledge and previous animal survives even being more fragile, their offspring will add knowledge through genetics. Noting that the common animal. Now if you look at the human animal, that being older can not be dismissed as nowadays they are being disregarded.
 Perhaps the article demonstrates this. He has only one premise, the observation paleontology. But you can look at other premises of the contamination present, the past 30 years of human will want to Darwinism but not in the conceptual opposition creationist versus evolutionist like watching and perhaps allowed themselves to divert attention, because it seems like just a trap of media to a prevailing social and economic plan does not take responsibility for class of human that only older can receive their pensions, creating a symbolic battle between religious and scientists so imbecile as diverting attention to the political level to consolidate. In the single fact worked a lifetime to sustain and keep the children alive. And acquired knowledge and at this stage can still collaborate with their ability to assimilate knowledge. This might explain why in the days when the plans started strongly in the system from 1986 to 1987 after taking some introductory books on philosophy in the old law office of my cousin in Mogi Mirim, a small town in Brazil. Some topics such as hypocrisy, demagoguery, existentialism, innateness, Socrates, Aristotle, philosophical thought versus scientific thinking, what most upset him was the empirical, or experience, writing briefly.
Other topics were placed, as phenomenology, and experimentalism that I reviewed almost all the university with observation of the physical sciences that a lot of practice the experimental, something that does not like to think  but in the 90's they were discussing something that worked very well. But what most marked the 80 in this discussion was empiricism. I was naive, I was more concerned with getting ready for the university to realize the influence that began to mark with concern to the elderly.
I was able to talk even in the 80's that I liked to live with their elders, and had no problems with them, a trademark was brought from my childhood.
But did not realize the call of concern and selection of those who do not always leave out the older (and not even realize that I practiced the protection of older and had been selected).
 After this concern with the elderly would be easier in college I could not stay away from them (the gerontocracy), my questions were too heavy and caused non-existent projects, was called a pioneer in the corners of the university in all I move, and Obviously the older ones always gave me the base. Over time, I could not see what happened in contrast to my childhood and adolescence, which was the loss of human sensitivity to the elderly in the society outside the university, my time in it were consumed by almost every year, I lived in it all day and sometimes at night and dawn (extended periods within the Electronic Computing Center, then inside the laboratories of geology (mineralogy and hydrogeology miscroscopia) and then the phase is more modest than in the experimental phase field in lakes and rivers with hydrology and engineering geology, with the rest of sampling within my practice area dedicated to the sport. It was a convenient marriage between leisure, sport, science and education, and experimentation at this stage I am completely removed from society, almost ten years.
The cries about it long and Gerontology were everywhere, generated internal conflicts, until I came across institutionally with the need for destruction of the institution that there was an elder. The so called gerontrocacia older class that could collaborate with the young in experience was beginning to grow again and making me to new conflicts.
As in the early 90's these speeches I made against my internal conflicts to my observations were only considered as acts of malicious and ulterior motives to protect me from what I considered persecution.
I took a silence, submission accepted the idea that I was under the persecution mania and I went back to strengthen and rebuild me. At that time I not only realized the devastating force of a growing company in the way of thinking in all places and media, and as I began criticizing in order to feel less fragile, I was criticized by many people that I used this speech as be an excuse to hide that I was not. It was a clever way to marginalize those who perceived negative psychological social waves everywhere, my base was perception of human behavior. I lived with many foreigners to the country, I talked to almost all social classes. I taught computer graphics in a rich neighborhood in the state capital where he lived, I lived and studied abroad, I rode the bus and went to the bars of the simplest classes and poor, and traveled widely to the rural economy (the lucky or unlucky I studied the course, geology).
Today 15 years later, is so visible that it was not a persecution, that even the older more powerful felt threatened that they are missing their consciousness of the need for a systematic almost sensitive psychosocial wave of extermination of the older just to make survive the public purse can not afford the cash values ​​and benefits to older retirees, or who want to continue to serve with their knowledge.
In my country, a former governor of a state to the south of this, had to borrow money from the World Bank can meet the payments of its retirees and pensioners, the elderly, many constitutions laws change with the older more unjust in contrast old.
End Mania chase.
It was a chase, yes, those speeches contained strong warning to the systematic disregard of the oldest major.
In the 90s I was a student at a major university and a good ability to reason, I could become a political leader and this could be the end to put plans in order that other people had the ability to manipulate the consciences of population. I left the plane to contrast the speeches even though the director of an academic center and with other favorable points curriculum and was trying to survive.
The reality that makes me happy is that in less time, I thought, there are already plans to replace the society, the deepest thoughts of psycho social, withdraw from society based on Darwinian thinking to the political thought of infuence manipulated or not Society.
Darwin has no relation to policy and public administration, is genocide.
He can only have their models related to the lower animals, they do not have the intelligence to make them negotiate, study, develop their skills.
They survive only by instinct if not by genetic evolution of their ancestors will always be decimated natural disasters or unnatural. We do not sometimes survive natural and unnatural disasters in just one generation. Not waiting instincts are built by the generations that have emerged as Darwin explains the survival of a species.
The human species survive a catastrophe independent of the instincts. Sometimes in less than a generation, the problem she sees, feels, if you let down and is restored.
Consider the development of natural and unnatural pandemics or infections. These are made by human error, or natural appearance of microorganisms, where the solution happens without that decrease the population in less than a generation. As an example we have the Spanish Flu, or bubonic plague, flu versus swine.
The first decimated the human population, if by Darwin, we would have to kill the most fragile with the flu and the plague generations and leaving the strongest to generate a new class of human strengths to it, to disappear.
On the contrary it made it disappear in less than a generation. Without the extermination of the weak, manufacture the medicines and vaccines and vitamins. We entered the prevention and remediation. When the model of Darwin, he presents the evolution preventative in animals?
 We do not see remedial action.
The introduction of political discussion and elimination of the view that Darwin and evolution in the human species is good to see if the plan terminates once moronic devaluation of the older empiricism.
For those who enjoy movies or cinematrográficas arts, perhaps the influence of concern in my speech that system jerk anti gerontocratic (on older ones) could see the movie that I watched to 8 years old, I think it was a good influences on this topic, there are other more important topics in this film can be seen that this view is idiotic action by the Darwinian older. The movie "Soylent Green" (1973) director Richard Fleischer adapted a novel by Harry Harrison, with the famous Charlton Heston and Leigh Taylor-Young.
See the poster below:


See the video below.

See the construction of ecological living by Darwin, a group of animals, eg deer found in Africa, where it escape from predators, the stronger and more young people come out ahead because they are more agile and more purposefully leave gazelles frail and older back. They leave the deer just for predators to have the older as food and satiation. Will be satisfied and go away leaving them unmolested. On this view Darwin is a Darwinian model that well represents the evolution in the animal world. The strongest survive, and leave your strength in genetic code that left him alive. This will become instinct regarding genetic influence on behavior.
The exception to the rule of the animals to predators and preyed but strong, is only in the case of these predators wanting to take the puppies in rare excetions. In this case the strongest may have an intervention. The female becomes violent and even more agile to escape it returns to save the puppy. This applies well to Darwin because this makes the species is protected from extinction.
Feel inside Darwinnist calls to mind the latest political thought since there is a movie that was also called as the air after it was published the year. The film is the opposite of the first concern but it is interesting because he tries to mend the damage already installed reviewing a big mistake in Soviet culture in the Second World War. This shows that already in the 90 sets in the despair of something lost control and then you are starting to worry about the younger ones. I realized that connotation with the recall of religious institutions to the great movement of Catholic renacenstist phase with the concern of the child and the society then showed Jesus Christ in your cults like the baby Jesus. Something happened at the time that the Church was concerned, and puts the propaganda that gave birth to the movement of the Jesuits. Something learned in the classroom at the university, a reminder. For Education is learned that this movement is a revolution in education of human beings at the time. One begins to worry about education. And this concern can be seen in all media in the 90's with great force that reaches out to the Media ... for example I just assuming something that I always had skill, care for girls, something always easy as a child with my little aunts ...
The film is beautiful, and teaches history and Soviet culture in the 40s in the middle of World War II despite novel is a true fact, and the director tries to focus on something that clearly seems to have taken courses to return as culture. I think this may have happened please. The observations suggest that the central figure already discussed might have been placed as a cultural practice. I realize this because I had a deceased brother, we were both students university public in Brazil. Both were very strong to survive the negative cultural impacts was established, and many complained. Not so with many others was always discussed the erroneous idea of ​​parents choosing to have children a stronger and preferable for failing in their despair, all lead to the survival of a catastrophe, or any large problem happened. My mother gave an educational trend not to differentiate the two had the same chances and were forced to be strong without penalty at the same time and resistents. I had to treat one another and more. The film shows clearly that the interim but should see hysteria existing collective unconscious in the 90 and 2000. If you see that with these films, which was already discussed in a research setting in psychology and education of children and the issue of differentiation of education either. Introdution becomes strongly in all media ... Even away from him. Something happens that cares so well with children.
In my view is the imbecility of the Darwinian model that had seen hysteria of those who are powerful in-depth see something already hysterical and inserted in the society in which they teem to manage. They fund projects for extensive observation of children's topic.
Watch the movie "Attack on Leningrad" (2009) director Aleksandr Buravsky with Gabriel Byrne and Mira Sorvino.See the poster below:

See the video below:
But for humans that would be stupid, discard the oldest. Let the elders to predation and just run for the youngest would be after a while not knowing which is the crucial tool to protect human beings. In humans, as you know that knowledge is something much more valuable for example the high speed of a gazelle to the predator, or by the cold, just using the intelligence, and stuck with the oldest who holds the knowledge of how to quickly and instantly memory of something called a civilization.
Finally, humans do not have the older ones would have to be using the same search time ever, "rediscovering the wheel" because it would have an older one around, just to say that it worked or not something in the past. The library, the older, reading books and writing are memories. They are sacred records.
Read "The Name of the Rose" Umberto  Eco, and see what I had to rarefy as called in the 80's. Do not just watch the content of whodunit as the film shows and many lead only to see it. This is the error. Aristoteles, the verb, the laughter, the Italian Dante is commoner raised in Italy, Latin as a tool, and the aisles of a library holds the secret at all that can be said of these troubled times, reading, language, and not target language (which incidentally is the error of the popular saying that would mimic the metalanguage they want to induce young people and police, the meta-language that comes from my basic education is the meta-mathematical language, with "therefore", "any that is, "" equals <=> "," equal =, "" less -, "" more, "all they need in their writing to code quickly and give their written notes for their reports summarized in the report).
This book is an induction of the Italian Umberto Eco editor to publish what he had then that was a giant text study and research, an essay in Media.
A good article below containing yes, good information. I hope it becomes again a call one day for the younger more enlightened.

Liberals' View of Darwin Unable to Evolve

by  Ann Coulter
Full text >> http://www.humanevents.com/article.php?id=45893

Note: If you have a message for me on economics. Forget it, I got that message, with the military dictatorship in 1976 prohibiting the discipline in universities in Brazil and Latin I think the chair of Political Economy) at the time I did a short course to enter the school of the Air Cadets when my math teacher interrupted class to communicate more of a dictatorship at the time was that such a ban. All we had 13 years. And we are watching and obviously traumatized. There was no mention of this in the classroom in regular school. It was a refresher course for the military had not The prevalence of cassation. We could hear.
The message, I was given the same time I ate a big plate caiçara, there at the port of Santos, which was Mecca. This message was given to me as fondly despite the military I was creating a strong critic of the military regime. I grew up in criticism of them. My uncle was in the military police dictatorship. And I strongly criticized. When I was 19 in 1983, an admiral, Admiral Karan tells his nephew the son of the former Financial Director of the State Attorney General where I worked, this one. A discussion of editing Marx seized in the 70's entitled "Political Economy" and has in its collection.
A work done in the Faculty of Law University of São Paulo in 1969 by Professor Pinto Fagundes and printed in the administration of former director of the Center for Academic XI August A. J. Luciano. A worthy gift for someone who years later also became director of an Academic Center at the University Sao Paulo and did not realize at the time that would be such.
Please "Political Economy", but "Geopolitics" is not. This is what I use to understand how to play almost everything I see and let me bore in terms of international politics and not something else internationally.
Geopolitics is a matter that I had to necessarily have to study, because by the time I got the book I was a staunch critic of the late Professor Hemerit Milton Santos he had geopolitics. He did, was that I did have to study this matter that both staunchly argued while he was alive and I was a student of geology. Geopolitics was only a point of peace between me and him. Because when he came in the genetic matter, he did a lot of people argue with him when I was close. He then did not accept the rules of the projection that many of us had to go. Take long for him to accept. These discussions have led me to learn a lot about the behavior aside racial, genetic and gerontology. To argue that studying was much talk with many people at the university. But old is good and this is another one that I miss the old. He avenge one of the good sides of a good project that the Brazilian university could do. I hope that one day they rescue.

Good Week

Benedito Ubiratã

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