
Transformative reading

A long time ago, I read two writers, one German and one Brazilian. One was Eric Fromm, and the other was Marina Colasanti. In the mid-80s. I was a civil servant in the late afternoon and spent my time in the library that was halfway to my house. It was there until closing at 10 pm. Days had already known each other patrons of the library. With coffee breaks at the bar in front, and smoking a cigarette and then back. Sometimes a nap, and then rush out to watch a show that had music in the outskirts of the library. It was a very good time. Would always reading books and observing that this literature had, and tried to follow the reading to see if it was worth continuing the reasoning of the writer. But I was always away from matters of psychology and psychoanalysis. It was a choice I did not like the idea of ​​devoting myself to people as a way to work. I was young and was in training looking for a line to follow in my life. But like all young, at least I think so, I had some doubts about human beings and their behavior. I started looking for books that could take me some doubts. I read a few books devoted to Buddhism, and novels that many of the characters also became Buddhists. As always, the speech was human behavior, needed to have a basis for thinking and to discuss with friends during the time that we met. I ended up stumbling upon the book by Eric Fromm, a psychoanalyst widely read in the 70 and 80. Many spoke of him and so I have chosen the various options that today I would say that would be too deep in the area of ​​human behavior. As I had already established that I liked the Eastern view of the planet (not westernized or platonic) always gave preference to recommendations of writers or curiosity of human behavior that were in the eastern form of analysis. The base was Jung. Although Carl Jung was a follower of Freud, he opted for the Eastern view. A coexistence with the Hindu or Buddhism in observing and writing. And Erich Fromm had an eastern view, very little Plato and Jung and line. In it there were several comments on the human comportment, for example the explanation of his view of personality and character. And for example something that did not agree, a division into four types of character. For example people who had mercantile character, or visionary character and others. But in the middle of the book he did the analysis and explanation of how he saw love. In this respect I felt really consistent with it. For he explained that there were two loves, love common among humans, and particular love of the mother or maternal love. In these two loves he made the difference that only two of the mother was unconditional. That is, only the maternal love had no conditions to impose. A mother dies of love for his son. It made me happy and consistent with the way he see the love. It was different from the view of the Romantic literary school that I learned how they had a vision of love in that partners sometimes even killed themselves in grief. The love of Renaissance Romanticism after school. It was the love that hurt my vision when I read novels or movies. Everything looks sickly. That love only applies when a son or daughter feels her mother's love. Has no replacement. From there I really facilitated my analysis of all the people I saw in the middle of my life. The transfers, orders of protection, the lack of care, and other aspects that was linked to the lack of maternal love that person could have had. It was a transformative reading, as I did not want to be a psychologist, took the psychological education for me. It was a stage when my mother smiled, took gifts, ran behind the documentation of your retirement and traveled with her. Explained a lot. And today it can analyze the differences before my mother and my mother today. The everything that happened in the middle of the road. How are psychotic and paranoid people who have influenced my mother. Setting a whole theory that today I am grateful to see so at the height of one of my phases, I could not realize that mine was leaving me in the face of so much pain and suffering. I spent two years addressing this theory to weaken those who watched my mother was missing and then found out that she was influenced. I can see the difference and influencing people to characterize, when I'm near and far. I see her intentions and other people. The other reading was more interesting was the reverse of the pleasure of reading and want to know the writer. Thursday was a day of vernissagens in my town, and I attended a workshop of art, or rather an art workshop, where teachers had monitors that will let us paint our wills and practice in art and guided us when had doubts. We sent books to read history of art with painters who had a coincidence with what we wanted. Finally, they taught them to fashion, or want to learn to look for the library shelf that we could find what we wanted. And like every Thursday at the end of class, did not have to do, the friends who attended always showed up with ideas of places to spend the rest of the night. It was a multi ethnic group. We had almost the same age, and experiences of each were different in different countries and we went walking around the city center. Where to find free food and wine. Then one day indicated in the release of a book by a writer. We walked there. Almost an hour of walking, a lot of noise and shouting. And then we come ... When I went as usual straight to the wine and the food. However education asked the owner to seek release of the book. Off we went, and then I saw the vision that today I laugh when I remember. The popular view that the person has something. I heard a little in silence, paying attention and noticed the face of the writer. I was raised for wine and meals. Days after I decided to read the book. I did not remember what she discussed on launch day, for at that meeting she was giving a lecture. And reading the book I came across something that I find interesting in today's women. Affectionately in his writing, she wrote something that interested me. The male and female phased approach. And taking the approach phase total that would be the marriage or to live in the same house and have children and raise a family. What caught my attention was the fact that it describe the approach phase of the woman with the man or vice versa. She described that dating would not let anything be a phase of rapprochement and a chance to know the couple. If you study personally. This was ingrained in my mind for years. It was obvious what she explained. But now reading political and psychosocial events in some countries around the world can not understand the need for women wanting to study the man before approaching him without even knowing. This is not mating, but a form of domination. When one is studying the other, he dominates the study. This is not to be in partnership, having a partner, be a couple. And yes having a function of domain know where all the other steps because previous studies. In the case of women, reading as many feminist existentialist Simone de Beauvoir. Could not they see that domination by a positive example of feminism. The result would stifle the ability of women to live, spending time with the man personality and then demonstrate that it has something much more important than an object. After all it simply exists. Mastering does not exist. It is not a woman, is only one dominant that even a man can do is study a woman without her knowledge for a long time. There would be no distinction of better or worse, would only be a dominatrix. The domain may function in psychiatry could fit in psychosis, after all the sadism is considered an unhealthy form of psychiatry. a psychosis. Always need a sadistic master, having all the time and steps in your mind of the victim. Studying a male to female is just transform it into a sadistic, psychotic one. After Pavlov teaches that every living being can be affected, and conditions if you want a woman to study for master, or tame a man will take her normal position of position of psychosis, as psychiatry sees that psychosis may be a factor of influence not only genetic but also by influential environmental or environmental conditioning. I remembered this today, I realize that the love with the simple teaching taught by Marina Colasanti amuito lost time from many places society on the planet. I do not think there is the possibility of returning psychological women who have become accustomed, or better condition if left with the idea to be watching, studying the man without knowing for a while to try to register all forms of this reasoning. Makes it predictable before live. Paranoia.
So I have these two aspects of an unconditional love just be motherly, and the other to study the predictability of the partner, two things are psychotic. You can not want a man with unconditional love because it's the woman she is who has the painful gestation of the child. And the lover of the previous study a form of conditioning psychosis.
What will happen to those countries who are governed by these methods of influence in the population I have more or less an idea. But this idea is not pleasant.
Good week
Benedito Ubiratã

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