
Not a "mechanical sexual freedom"

"Music is the mediator between the spiritual and the sensual life."- Ludwig van Beethoven

I see this picture I just keep remembering, the junior high school in 1976 when they began to criticize Beethoven.Today seeing the figure above shows, I begin to understand that they were people who did not, that the population had a sexual freedom, with pleasure and happiness (with feelings that lead you to have good memories).Years later explained that only criticism was because those who criticized disliked Beethoven's genius to create a way to reduce their deafness by invented device; the metal bar pressed against the inner ear (he found that the metal  reverberated vibration of piano strings, touching the metal on the ropes and in the inner ear, a long metal bar).Seeing so explained to me years later 70's, in my opinion these people are strange because they took metal rage, and so was the explanation, but actually I found out for myself, they loved to say that the metal Beethoven they hated the ingenious discovery, was the meaning that they worshiped the semi metal.They loved the semi metal! And they decided to criticize Beethoven's invention to be metal.At the end of strange by worshiping the semi metal (lithium, sodium, potassium, etc., and acada one by Merck manual on veterinary or medicine, these are applied to living beings lack the ills ranging from cardiac problems to cancer) ; turning the figure they still did not like sexuality with pleasure.It follows that also did not like good music, and irritating noise only.In the end Beethoven was the good part of Romanticism, a music school not understood yet.Always said the romantic composers (of romanticism school) were tiring by the end wanting dramas, role plays in the life of each one drama of solitary love, dreamy, platonic.Seeing what Beethoven is expressed, is closer to what the people wanted in the 60: Not a "mechanical sexual freedom", but what he wrote and appears next to the figure. And very different from the vision left on the romantic school in the 80s.You do not see the attempt of characters who attempt suicide feel so much romanticism in his thinking because of one person or more.


Benedito Ubirata da Silva

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