
Anti-immigration politicians are destroying the UK

Anti-immigration politicians are destroying the UK's future, says Europe's Vice President

BRITAIN'S future is being "destroyed" by anti-immigration politicians, the vice-president of the European Commission has claimed.

European Commission vice president Viviane Reding European Commission vice-president Viviane Reding [GETTY]
You are destroying the future of your people, actually. That is what I'm really worried upon.
Viviane Reding
Viviane Reding, who has previously called for a United States of Europe, also claimed most of the information about the EU given to the UK public was based on "myths".

Ms Reding, who is unelected, said it was "simply not true" that there was an "invasion of foreigners" who were stealing jobs and draining welfare and health resources.


Got to see the long term. Or medium term, in my opinion was to small to medium -term . After the call from the World Bank in 2010 to which Mr. Nicolas Sarkozy has plans in Europe to invest in Africa (which is smarter, after all the distances and seas are increasingly dangerous and shipping is more expensive) I think this matter would be no problem. Many people realize that Africa would be a better place for immigration. Investment creates jobs and people who immigrate are looking for a job . And the environment of Africa is one of the most beautiful in the world. I almost fell in love with the African environment when I was deciding whether I wanted to study the geology of Africa . Like other areas of geology were more seductive and necessary. I ended up firing me what I also created me. Should not have the worry of speech anti immigration. The speech concerns because of the shadows of Nazism and xenophobia and the existence of many sadistic (in social psychology) that tempt people to love the environment of Europe or North America to hurt after saying that not possible.
I for one always created me never to go to Europe, because I always saw the sadistic discourse taking my generation and emotional speech came after the speech that people were not admissible in Europe . Soon after this came the speech appearing in the United States . Only bothered me when I saw the speech in Canada . And I was always distant and as I grew up watching just to stay away . I studied geology to stay away forever . But I saw millions cry because this sadistic seduction ( laugh that immigrants want to enter the European universe , this is risky, people accumulate hatred and can not beat them just because they accumulate hatred. Hate and today millions of people affect lives of people in the distance. Whoever did this was sadistic and not thought of the future of Europe and north America . which would one day become vulnerable to distant hatred. Populations, today, i see the millions crying without knowing why Europe and America the north. crying that I suffered . 's language of hate from a distance. Inseminated the hate was the fault of sadism to invite, entice and then refuse to laugh and worst of those who fell in the conversation of the call. People never come back the same. If the ritual is Nazi Perhaps because Nazism parties already appears in the continents that I wrote above
Note:  most enemies in Europe and north America used this European sadism of the 70's (in my opinion continues to today and expanded to north America) These enemies passed in front of me , and took advantage of every moment of speeches invitation , always waiting denials mass . today they grew . they grew up with sadism and systematic refusal of you. What most kills you is the speech noting that these are enemies of you, but sadism make them strong to criticize them and recruit younger and younger. Then you give them the honors and awards. They come back and kill and condemn young good . Recruit only Al Qaeda million in universities through this speech invitation and refusal. they live in European or north American disappointment. for example in the 90s anti north American and European rhetoric was much smaller than today. Increased! Why?
On university who had this rhetoric was the former Medellin or Cali cartel . I Studied with Latinos in the Andes in the brazilian university, we talked hours until they stop hating north or Europe .
Yet the systematization of sadism when he came, if they were far away. Once a while, they came to hate again. arrived they already tell me I was very pro north American or European pro . Till they laughed when Europe began to disappoint , or else North America . They did not have the rhetoric in my speech because I know the origin and age of the Medellin cartel in the 70s .
They used this discourse and the discourse ingrained in Latin ( that's what they start talking before I could show the pros in Europe) and their speech was they would enhance a function of European and North American stupidity consuming drugs they produce. And for them it was a weapon of hate. They use this speech today? Maybe not .
Fueling this discourse no longer need them investiment, and yes the European and North American sadism, a mistake.
Oversee, knowing what it does and how does a college student who can enter the country for research or study in the home of 50 million students . And they can do favors only the enemies because they have a hatred contained, is the result of the stupidity of sadism.
Did not know how many of the roughly 50 million college students have hatred . Hate and with wanting to harm European or North American youth as promised the cartel Medellin in the 70s. Sadism led to prejudice and paranoia of not knowing if you can trust. Was not supposed to be this Nazi speech. investments had to Africa and Africa for anyone who wants a job , and doing research is a place full of areas.
They would go there. Sadism but calls them.
This would have to stop . deny that there is such sadism is the crime of the century.

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