
When you had several women and only a few...

When you had several women and only a few were able to influence children who lived around, it is a fact that should be taken seriously.
Observe the growth of children who might be affected, might have been interesting for a while, but in the end it is stressful. Each one of the kids will acquire "even in today's times" characteristics and character in the form of study and research. Go walking in the path of their research and their interests. Will be leaving to ask questions, questions specific to their educational development.
Will leaving connect emotionally and are becoming so responsible as we are with our responsibilities. Do not live of our connection, do not live than we are. build.
At the end we never forget, where care and end up in advocating one way or another. End up highlighting of those who want to be similar to those that were equal.
Luck, is to have known a lot of women, and at least some managed to get to the point of giving a positive influence or be in positive energy, namely by high capacity "original" scientific knowledge. My call in the 80.
The great luck is that I followed the path close to the ideal in terms of getting away from those who wanted a Eugenics is politics, or its philosophical or theological. I managed to copulate dating different women on phenotypic traits, not yielding to the possible facisms, or Nazism who love men who can influence children to grow in features of political rulers.
Is something old in human history and was easy to identify.
I always knew my ability, an influential friend of my adolescence times called me from modifying agent, but always hid the characteristic on behalf of humility and not simpleton and humiliation, as the dominators politicians when they lose, in abuse of power, want and commissaires.
A humility, that does not follow the subordination of forms they want within something like or equal to submission, in which "influence generations". This is as old as the history of humanity that hides the Pro eugenics.
The example that you can pick up in North American History projects ranging from the 20 that was called eugenics. Or the Nazis in Germany former projects of the Decade of 30, or the fascists of Italy in the 30 and Russia also in the 30.
The documentaries Americans gives us the ability to exonerate this ignorance of humanity, because they own to denounce and still save a little history of them in world history, by the fact that the discussions were made publicly and quorum of people still were low.
They were visiting unions, public squares to discuss eugenics and couldn't all of popular support.
In Russia many intellectuals were persecuted and imprisoned in Siberia because they are against the Stalinist State control projects for the birth of children.
In Germany this was only falling in the 50, not with the separation of the Germanies, but with the fall of Nazism on German thought inside of the two Germanys. In Italy is that the need Eugenic is lost without noticing only with the death of Mussolini, they suddenly left the matter in the same way it began.
Some scholars explain that eugenics and the Nazis and fascists traits only appear in the rest of the world after the 40 on continents like Latin America and Europe with only a few items in common, that is the presence of some institutions in common in those continents. As the finds in the countries of these continents can perceive in society the need Eugenic, or control of "influencers" in society.
In the Decade of 70 with Genetic science's most popularly begins to talk something, that even in my time of pre university I didn't like. I didn't like studying genetics, even having the constant imposition of teachers, and the rest was averaging recessiveness a copulation followed by fertilization. This began to be popular among men and women at universities, and I had to learn concepts of genetics to enter the University, but I did my calculations of what I needed to get into in hit points, and eliminated the notions of genetics of my studies. I used the alternative of taking the best spots in other topics of Biosciences to enter the University without studying notions of genetics.

The genetic calculation and the examining recessiveness so popular, only came to the fore again when I met some women who I dated. But it was only in common in women who had in common a religious institution and thus made equal. All had the same institutional influence, carried the same error of eugenic concern or social prejudice. World history explains this institutional influence in sight to almost all scientists in the world and in the history of science defines that this institution has always made the mistake eugenics, or ... Just to see the support that this institution gave the Nazis in World War II, if not wanted it would have gone against, but were missing the contributors to Nazism, grew up protected and grew.
I choose not to have children, or daughters. As he spoke a lot in recessive or concern hybridism in universities "very far from the corridors of biology or Genetics". It was getting very popular among women and I I choose to protect myself from participating in something that did not agree to eugenics.
Only bothered to flee my ability to not have responsibility over the influential society, and I live my life.
But the influence is something that when it has genetic, breeding and social status is not something totally negável. I ended up studying in one of the largest universities in the world, and perhaps the largest in Latin America. The number of laboratories and research institutes and citations in scientific publications in the world finished leading to be one of the largest. You cannot get away from the idea of being influential, and can't switch completely to influence.
Time passed and I put myself to compare children who were influenced by others and myself. At first I laughed, because I up dated with either, I influenced him, and with them I managed to make influences on girls and boys.
After that I also learned to observe women I dated, and that do not have influence, and who were women who just listened to all my secrets before you start dating. In other words, women who in popular language studied the man before dating (egocentricies, paranoid, psychotic selfrespect that just don't know how to live the surprise of coexistence, and the best of the new times, is changing men and something is not favorable, left the world of antiquity for the 21 century and they still live the silliness of the early centuries of the Millennium) (now has divorce, has to live in the same house without marrying, and this action in the first centuries of the Millennium women lacked freedom are legal or political).
What I learned is that they have never done "nephews" or "nieces" in popular parlance, they held influential not genetics or, too rich in male hormone, or not held the same immunities and infectologicies. And all affected by the same institutions. In a more colloquial, informal or they do not held the same bacteria or protozoa that cause a particular immunity.
So I gave laughter of some designs of virtual dating. How to produce diverse energies if women and men had no real tangible contact, in order to have the infectologic transition, or the corporeal interaction and to have a balance of bacteria and protozoas and only then to have the same kinds of immunology.
Many of girlfriends had to socialize, to eat the two together to get the same immunological defense capability. Some had their stages to become ill and had medical care, nutricional to have the same Immunology. I had a good influence on university and with that they had the possibility of better medical consultations. It was my luck. Others had a lot of money to pay doctors to treat their partners in their stages of adaptation.

I had to take care to stop being blood donor not to run the risk, paranoia or not, the loss of genetic secret. Not by the desire to make new sons or daughters through my blood, but not to produce Immunology identic on other women that could copulate with other men and then say that the influences would be my. One way to protect other people in the world having a pseudo influences of my person.
The problem of fraud schemes do influences population object of desire of dictators, fascists or Nazis, is that immunology is not always organized through blood collection. Women and men need to have several contacts that would be careful not to do when we have shared with another unknown person.
Is a process in my healthy vision, because to have safe sex with someone you don't know and don't live is dangerous. But the immunology is lost (or immunology is ideal for this problem in this case) when you have contact with sperm, and if they have contact with blood, saliva and especially (when Kiss with the tongue, or the famous french Kiss, the immunity of a person gets lost and has the bacterial transition). When copula, if has the transition and the loss of bacteria and immune protozoas. The body can have a whole amount of immunity to its bacteria and protozoas. They stand and they leave traces of your body, with its weaknesses and strengths.
And then closes with what bacteria and protozoas have common, which is the absorption of trace metals on your system, these metals that only finds in quantity character in your body.
Some bodies reject various quantities of metals, others assimilate. As Cadmium, lead, mercury, zinc, iron, vanadiun, Maxim and others ranging from body to body. If you have 7 billion human beings on Earth, so if you have 7 billion possible combinations. This preserves the personality and character against eugenics, or something which I find despicable even in Biosciencies libraries, which is the human beings isogenic, or clones.
In Biosciencies libraries uses if the rats or guinea pigs in general these being isogenic for their research, but in humans it is much more difficult than you can imagine, the immunity still preserves the possibility of humans not being isogenicies.
Some may fall in the face of an epidemic, others may die, still can't the human Isogenc and it gives luck against eugenics.
So it was important to review my children influenced and the role of each one of my ex girlfriends.
Why? The new times is another topic for another post, IE weather anomalies, astrofisics, that can influence the conduct or the human social behavior. If you get a control on building character and personality, the containment of public disorder is healthier than the need of the oppression of the invasion of consciousness at the time of the riot. Possible examples are the Fukushima Tsunamies in Japan, or the Kobe earthquake in Japan, or the Tsunamie Sumatra, all videos showed that people were staticals, when it was hoped that people who held the security in your conscieness and inconsciencies could get away with destructive waves faster. And it was an event unlike. The waves came in and they were all taken away and the video's showed that only few ran to safe places, the rest was being taken away and killed by the waves. Only the United States of America does not hide the facts and the numbers of dead and injured, which happened in Hurricane Sandy so that we know whether this happens or not. After some photos show the eastern region of the country was totally submerged and did not say how many people were killed after that. This is for example one of the most commonly used transports by North Americans. The videos and photos show just the trains stopped submerged more whole station and no body, but as bodies tend to float and run with the flow of the River would have to be shown the tunnels and sewers to see if these died getting arrested.
If they had control of the personality and character and not of collective or individual inconscience perhaps the numbers would be nonexistent. So far only Japan had the honor and advertise in newspapers the terms of his latest accident catastrofic. A misstep? If Yes, the more likely it is that may run to correct themselves. and this is laudable and recognized internationally as responsible human beings.
Note: in world history if known rulers who neither left their election campaigns to help their populations. That weighs on the collective emotional win.
Benedito Ubirata

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