
When Blue Light is to be a hunter

I think I found what I wanted. Was a claim it was for me and I had a complaint, as the seven years that passed, that my way of searching the Internet can not be interfered.
I was a good way to search the Internet. Received instructions and my search form helped with my power to reach the higher planes, which are good arguments against many things, for them, giving instructions, are seeing things in Parasitic society. In 1999, I received good instruction in the air. E I turned to the Internet search engines and the search for good arguments, and sought help for me and many others.
As found in diverting attention synthesis. 12 years later, I discovered, for example, argument that was put in the time to help the former first lady Brazil, the late Mrs. Ruth Cardoso.
The non-adoption of the declaration child labor company, which fought to prevent that from happening. As I was connected with her, where the conditions are now favorable anywhere you took some of my problems (impregnated) in my speeches strengthening of the routine of everyday life, it was a power he had. Y  use in my lectures and issues related to people that were parallel to my day to day, there was Also, no problem putting his concern was compatible with my concern. But being connected with people as it is sometimes difficult because She taught at the university I attended, I was worried I kept the custom of the professors of this university, this would be a benefit, the quote in their conversations. To me she always I could cite the source or strengthening the arguments. It was crazy that teachers  university.
And the air hung with a good symbol for a good source of strengthen the argument, citing a document in American history.

The was laid bare for me as a symbol to be searched as a symbol of bare feet removed from a framework of "Caribbean" of the late artist eradicated an Argentine friend, Brazil and around the late George Amado.
And this year 1999 saw the box and coincidentally Caribé Jorge Amado died that same year and soon the Caribbean.
I ended up letting me take the symbolism bare feet and were at the foot of the symbolism of the Caribbean, in a photo oil painting of a deity, the orisha Eshu.
I saw this book for years. I downloaded a copy of the picture and became part of the Caribbean wall of my computer.
I saw the years and never accept what pathway.
For me, her bare feet looking at the picture and goes against the directions call that went wrong, was inconsistent. I met the call when it occurred, and I could never understand the relationship. I could not fulfill.

It worked just because I have always liked and always uncomfortable with children. But when to identify calls regarding the image of the table did not work. I looked for bare feet in the reproduction of Exu and remember the meaning of orisha Eshu, I saw the difference in meaning. Exu is the Orisha of seduction and the child has no meaning for me seduction. I reluctant.
Codes The investigation of the atmosphere has two meanings. For me are unique. Logo I stopped playing and put into oblivion, as it was ambiguity.
She ambiguity undermines the vision of the childishness of children had when I went, I returned to my routine of working with unaccompanied children. However, the fund did not feel peace, always liked Caribbean.
Caribbean was my childhood. His paintings are beautiful watercolor or gouache. It was my childhood. That the now hear the story of Rede Globo in the 70's saw the beginning of the novel Gabriela Clove and Cinnamon. The difference is that I I was a child at the time and went to find out who he was and how they were made. As I grew older I began to paint in watercolor only feel these images.
However, no Could break into my mind just because the photo was wrong As I see children and their education in 1999 was stronger than the Caribbean.
Today  I have seen the error, it was not for the Caribbean. Once again it is part of my childhood and the culture of my country. But the call was different.
Only note that all calls are listed in my online since 1996, not only barefoot as a symbol, also had the word "documents." And, as always was to keep documents organized and as always I was listening documents. And barefoot. And other statements that are not it was resolved peacefully. During those two pieces of information never could resolve.
Today I went online and has a search on the government website that accompanies documents of the former United States Supreme Court and Congress North American national. I was happy at first because the beginning of the expression "Documents" had been resolved.
It was a place of ancient documents. All manuscripts. Another thing that was missing in my peace mind. For over ten years since I wrote by hand in accordance with existence of the computer in my daily life. But the site I've seen value of the manuscripts. These manuscripts are the arguments could use more than 12 years. They are important for social movements that have troubled former first lady and the Brazilian died.
For example, work or work child. è movement established and placed in culture and the country is so insignificant, they begin to have respect and support governments inside and outside the country, showing that areas with this index shows the distrust of there are problems for the future of social noise.
Now, as the calls: You should worry children can not be placed in conflict the former first lady observed since 1995. Today we see the problems of social disorder and strong collective emotional in the country and the world's collective emotional, but here the specific order of use indiscriminate of children is so strong that it is the number of destruction This focus on the number of viable excuses culture do anything prohibited by this former first lady.
They do it in secret and questionable, which has already hate crimes and mafia groups in parallel. Development of a number of protection against the testimony and evidence in court.
As break do not know.
But I feel more relaxed this time because it really would be my article would use as a good argument my conversations that child labor is not a good practice.
Then is the link to the document that describes child labor in 1916 noting that 16 was also a word that turned to float in my head years.
I turned the golden number, or unlink to 1.6 which is a gold number. And taking the number of Exu.
I do not want Exu place as an important element. And seven is a number of Exu. 1 + 6 equals 7. For the number 16 does not match the number of captured Exu gold in my mind.
Is a number that I like. Is a number that is not allow to seventh in July, to have its meaning.
He has to 1.6 to have retained its importance. The proportions of the number of Gold is the ratio of wind movement. Transfer to 7 has not acquired math magic. Keep the magic and continues in 1.6. Could be found in my entire life out of seven years.
He was 16 miles endurance training in rowing on the lakes, did 16 repetitions in the exercises pesos. I turned on the number of passwords for the gold decimating a mathematical infinity.
That is, after 1.6 continues number of decimal places at infinity. Is a number assigned by the letter Greek Fi (zero cut by a stroke) and has the value = 1.61803 ...

Pythagoras             and the number of gold

Pythagoras (C. 582-c. 500 BC), Greek philosopher and mathematician, born on the island         of Samos. He was instructed in the teachings of early philosophers         Ionian Thales,         Anaximander         and Anaximenes.         It is said that Pythagoras had been sentenced to exile from Samos by         aversion to the tyranny of Polycrates. Towards the 530 BCE settled in         Crotona, a Greek colony in southern Italy, where he founded a movement         for religious, political and philosophical, known as         Pythagoreanism. Philosophy Pythagoras known only through         work of his disciples.
The         Pythagoreans assumed certain mysteries, similar in many points         orphic riddles.         Counseled obedience and silence, abstinence from drinking         food, simplicity in dress and possessions, and the habit         self-analysis. The Pythagoreans believed in immortality and transmigration         the soul.         It is said that the actual Pythagoras proclaimed that he had been         Euphorbus, and fought during the Trojan War, which had been         allowed to bring to his earthly life the memory of all its existing         previous.
Among         the extensive mathematical investigations carried out by the Pythagoreans         found their studies of odd and even numbers and         primes and squares, which are essential in the theory of         numbers. From this arithmetical standpoint, they cultivated the concept         number, which became for them the crucial principle of any         proportion, order and harmony in the universe. Through these         studies, established a scientific foundation for mathematics. In         geometry the great discovery of the school was the theorem         hypotenuse theorem known as Pythagoras, Which states that         square of the hypotenuse of a right triangle is equal to         sum of the squares of the other two sides.
A         stirred in Croton caused by an association of ideas contrary to         the Pythagorean ended with the burning of the headquarters. It is believed that Pythagoras was forced to flee and died in Metaponto Crotona. Persecution         of the Pythagoreans led the exodus to the mainland, giving         to the diffusion of Pythagorean ideas.

A         harmonious proportions for the body, before the Greeks who studied         and Romans, captured in this picture Leonardo da Vinci.         Served to illustrate the book The Divine Proportion         of Luca Pacioli published in 1509.
In this book describes         which have to be the proportions of the art constructions. In         particular Pacioli offers a perfect man in which         relationships between different parts of your body proportions are         golden. Stretching hands and feet and making the navel center         draw the circle. The square is side height         body that matches in a full body, with length between         ends of the fingers of both hands when arms are extended         and forming a 90 degree angle with the trunk. It turns out that the ratio         between the height of male (square side) and distance         navel to the tip of the hand (radius of the circle) is the number         aureus.
Table         Dali Leda Atomica, Painted in 1949,         synthesizes centuries of tradition and symbolic mathematics, especially         Pythagorean. This is a watermark based on the golden ratio         but prepared in such a way that is not obvious to the viewer. In the         sketch of 1947 notes the thoroughness of Geometric Analysis         Dalí made by staff based on the Pythagorean mystic.

In         nature, the golden ratio appears also in the growth         plants, pineapples, distribution of leaves on a stem,         dimensions of insects and birds and         the formation of shells.
The spiral         logarithmic
If         take a golden rectangle ABCD and you remove the Square AEFD which         lower side is the side AD of the rectangle is the rectangle         EBCF is golden. If then we take the square it EBGH, the         HGCF resulting rectangle is also golden. This process can be         reproduce indefinitely, resulting in a series of rectangles         embedded golden converging towards the vertex of a spiral         logarithmic.
This curve         been captivated by her beauty and property care         mathematicians, artists and naturalists. Also called spiral         equiangular (the cutting angle of the radius vector to the curve         constant) or spiral geometry (the radius vector increases in a         geometry while the polar angle decreases progression         arithmetic). J. Bernoulli was fascinated by her charms, called spira mirabilis, Praying it was recorded in his grave.
The spiral         logarithmic bound to rule the golden rectangles         harmonious growth of many plant forms (flowers and fruits) and         animals (shells), those in which the shape is maintained         invariant. The most visually representative is the shell nautilus.

The         trigonometry and             golden number

Consider         a regular pentagon in which the diagonals are drawn. In         this figure only shows three different angles. Are 36 º, 72 º and         108 º. The relationship between these angles is as follows: 72 is twice         36 and 108 is three times 36. There are several different types of triangles         isosceles, from which we selected three: the triangles ABE, ABF and         AFG. The remaining triangles are similar to one of these and not         provide additional information. Finally, there are four different segments in these triangles,         we call: BE = a, AB = AE = b, AF = BF = AG = c and GF = d. Lengths         these segments meet: a> b> c> d.
Consider         triangles each of these separately and apply the theorem         breast.
Triangle         ABE
Triangle         ABF
Triangle         AFG
        As         72 º = 180 º -108 º, it is verified that sen108 sen72 º = º.

In         Therefore we can establish the following proportions:

Full text and explain the examples above Look this site:

created by  Ignacio  A. Felipe Langarita


The years have passed since then I feel relieved that the 16 is 1916. The rest of the document speaks for itself.

Read the text on the following link you will find interesting, with other texts:

And keep in mind that neither Karl Marx as child labor, which suffered  12. Therefore, the text would be nice if someday I had to Marxists argue with more difficult for me to see the former first lady  This will be the text and heavy drinking.

Keating-Owen Child Labor Act of 1916 (1916)

document info...
Citation: An act to prevent interstate commerce in the products of child labor, and for other purposes, September 1, 1916; Enrolled Acts and Resolutions of Congress, 1789-; General Records of the United States Government; Record Group 11; National Archives.

Photograph #102-LH-488, ARC Identifier: 523148, Bibb Mill No. 1, Macon, GA. January 19, 1909; by Lewis Hine; Lewis Hine Photographs for the National Child Labor Committee, ca. 1912; Records of the Children’s Bureau; Record Group 102; National Archives.
How to use citation info.
(on Archives.gov)
This act limited the working hours of children and forbade the interstate sale of goods produced by child labor.
print-friendly versionThe 1900 census revealed that approximately 2 million children were working in mills, mines, fields, factories, stores, and on city streets across the United States. The census report helped spark a national movement to end child labor in the United States. In 1908, the National Child Labor Committee hired Lewis Hine as its staff photographer and sent him across the country to photograph and report on child labor (see Hine photo). Social reformers began to condemn child labor because of its detrimental effect on the health and welfare of children. Among those helping to incite public opinion against it were Karl Marx and Charles Dickens, who had worked at a factory himself at age 12. One of the most effective attacks came from Dickens's novel Oliver Twist, which was widely read in Britain and the United States. Dickens’s masterwork portrays an orphan boy, raised in poorhouses and workhouses and by street criminals in industrialized London in the 1850s.
The first child labor bill, the Keating-Owen bill of 1916, was based on Senator Albert J. Beveridge's proposal from 1906 and used the government's ability to regulate interstate commerce to regulate child labor. The act banned the sale of products from any factory, shop, or cannery that employed children under the age of 14, from any mine that employed children under the age of 16, and from any facility that had children under the age of 16 work at night or for more than 8 hours during the day. Although the Keating-Owen Act was passed by Congress and signed into law by President Woodrow Wilson, the Supreme Court ruled that it was unconstitutional in Hammer v. Dagenhart 247 U.S. 251 (1918) because it overstepped the purpose of the government's powers to regulate interstate commerce.  In its opinion the Court delineated between the Congress's power to regulate production and commerce.   A second child labor bill was passed in December of 1918 as part of the Revenue Act of 1919 (also called the Child Labor Tax Law). It also took an indirect route to regulate child labor, this time by using the government's power to levy taxes. It  too, was soon found to be unconstitutional in Bailey v. Drexel Furniture Company 259 U.S. 20 (1922). The Court reasoned that “The power of Congress to regulate interstate commerce does not extend to curbing the power of the states to regulate local trade.”
Despite the nation's apparent desire for federal laws against child labor, the Supreme Court's rulings left little room for federal legislation. A constitutional amendment was soon proposed to give Congress the power to regulate child labor. The campaign for ratification of the Child Labor Amendment was stalled in the 1920s by an effective campaign to discredit it. Opponents' charges ranged from traditional states' rights arguments against increases in the power of the Federal Government to accusations that the amendment was a communist-inspired plot to subvert the Constitution. Federal protection of children would not be obtained until passage of the Fair Labor Standards Act in 1938, which was also challenged before the Supreme Court. This time, the movement to end child labor was victorious. In February of 1941, the Supreme Court reversed its opinion in Hammer v. Dagenhart and, in U. S. v. Darby (1941), upheld the constitutionality of the Fair Labor Standards Act. It is still in force today.

This text is really worth a call involving the connection between me and the late former First Lady of Brazil Ruth Cardoso in 90 years. She was alive and was sometimes a problem comply with its connections, always complained. Things for students. I finished with my study time, but the work is work. As I complained, but always made at the end or beginning of works if he calms down. And I would say it was peaceful. Just do not is worried about that bothers me a bit to continue recovery efforts. I think it was reckless when apart. Today day I understand, I can see what he saw. Just do not get anxious to be a man and not have anxiety and frivolity. But you have stomach. I told a professor and senator wants to leave their students prepare. Must have the stomach. It's a bad phase, children do not understand, but suffer.
But the proportion of calls to guys I think there was a dignity to comment on the appointment. There was a need for service was a basic rule of her and me. Want talk, Look!

In addition, the calls continued and I complained a lot, but doing what? Upon receipt had to be fulfilled, but this is underway. But there are others, and this is something else:
The protection of women's education. (In science).

But  only one reader. Be careful not to call in the second rediscover  wheel, I have taken this course, distributed to the local population and officials. It was a continuation of a work of UNESCO (chamada!!)  And they took advantage. In addition to details of the accident ... months later was the appointment of the dean of Harvard and the USP, a number increasing UNESCO in the table of women in senior management and  education. In the table until 2001 that showed the positions  academic with women in the world there are almost none.Good Week

Benedito Ubiratã

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