
Inside Line Clean Ethics in the world. Chapter 2 Ponzi Scheme

It seems that only a few months, when reading the news worldwide, nearly 10 years ago, newspapers around the world complained that a country in Europe had been the Crime of Fraud Pyramid, and its economy collapsed.

Time passed, and few took it seriously this observation because few knew the story that Brazil has lived in the 70's when the hysteria was a real game of trying to make money from the scam of the Pyramid. They would have meetings, members of the middle class were euphoric. At the time the crime was based on manipulation of bank checks. Where "investors" came with bank checks for their bills and were running to wait for his moment to make your checks instead of new investors.

One day these scams break, because in short this type of fraud is established to pay the old investors without these being only expect more investment and the investment of the newest. An hour newest ultimately not receive your investments, then enters the mind game of some people "inflate" the new entrants do not leave with the hope that it will at some time.

Time passed, and what was more or less clear is that at the time the South American pyramid grew at a pace no related companies, was in charge of a resident to be investing and look or your neighbor or your co-worker, or anyone else known to enter the investment. In time, everything was fading and went into the 80's and nothing has been said that.

In these last years, which turned the talk is that these schemes have returned, but now more professional. Investors are sought by people who are more professional in dealing with your new investor. The claim is that this will happen.

Not to be inside the Pyramid Scheme, or Fraud, today we talk about the crime of investments in the Funds. Where people with Image "Perfect" or practitioners of Hope and faith in the future, conquers are mobilized to new investors.

But to understand this, did a quick search, I found that many of the federal police still use the term world in search of the pyramid scheme, but today the most striking is the scheme or Ponzi Fraud. Name given to this scheme, because the United States in the 20s of last century, Charles Ponzi, profits could make money by offering "insurance" to their investors up to 50%. Totally based on good intentions Charles Ponzi just paid their first investors. And the business has continued to capture what the federal police call the "collapse" of the scheme.

In the 70s I was a teenager, an Office Boy, I saw fathers come euphoric and receive advice from more "smart" to enter and exit soon after he earned his share, or if you can at least recover the checks invested. But those who had always wanted to professionalize and offered their homes, their rooms for meetings of capture. The final was undeniable ... Police and jail!

But sometimes the police were more amenable to the offender, the rest was just my stomach for those who grew up a little on the streets, after being an office boy, or still is working on the streets, learning to hear and see and just be patient. And what we saw was the saddest purposes, for example investors more aggressive going to charge those who offered him the business, or the lack of money and who invited all kinds of low things that our mind can imagine in hours recovery without the bond of Law

You learn to take care of women, who use to capture the sensuality, and then try to use this action not to blame. Something that many even feel attracted to hear and see, but when they see they feel disgusted.

In fact, working as an office boy in the city for the short time I worked on my teenage years was not enough to want to work with humans. Are very complex. Get carried away by so much dirt that does not just tell a good and always will be free of it. How lucky, I did not give much time to see it all and stuff, I ended up going to a dept of processing data, working with a computer in a block that now my calculator does more than that. However, to my sensibility teen was a true pain reliever. How good it is for teenagers leaving the world of the streets no matter how honest it's her job, stop and go inside a room air-conditioners with tape and punched cards. It makes people turn off.

Now coming back, I leave here a video that might explain a lot, even about some of my old blog posts. Indirectly, I figured something out over the last few years. Many honest people coming and then not getting out because of the angelic air, air unseen problems, the air to give hope to do. And then check the illicit enrichment. The domain over people.

With that I left below the video link, ya might see members of the U.S. federal police, and an account of someone who has suffered such a fraud.

Below that I leave a video comics, translated by Tranlastor Internet from english to Portuguese.

Remembering that it is not because you're in college if it is free. I was 15, in the 70's and the University of São Paulo already existed and I did not dream of studying here. But working in a pharmaceutical company, sometimes had to have contact with people here. And until people here fell in these schemes and then cried a lot for the losses or even from numerous submissions.

Why is this? Public Officer is an entity subject to fraud. It has the famous guaranteed money every month. Capturing an investor, it is very good for honest business, but is much more lucrative business dishonest. They interact with the naivete of those who stay so you think you are safe, or a moment of despair can be pressed out. So here there has been much history of fraud. So the Pyramid Fraud, Fraud Ponzi, and the worst I've seen so fall is the Police Fraud Sharking. None of this can be free, just being inattentive.

Fraud and as a point of conflict

Below is a table that shows the minor differences between Ponzi and Pyramid Scheme

Pyramid Scheme
Ponzi Scheme
"Hook" typical Earn high profits by making a payment and find a set number of others to become distributors of a product. The scheme generally does not involve a genuine product. The product supposedly can not exist or can be "sold" in the pyramid scheme. Earn high returns on investment with little or no risk, just hand your money, the investment usually does not exist.
Payments / profits Must recruit new distributors to receive payments. No recruiting required to receive payments.
Interaction with the original promoter Sometimes, participants no. New system could enter into a different level. Promoter usually works directly with all participants.
Source of payments From newcomers - always disclosed. From new participants - never disclosed.
Collapse Fast. An exponential increase in the number of participants is required at each level. It may be relatively slow, if existing participants to reinvest the money.

Below is a list of care, and oddly enough, this relationship can be observed that also fits the crime of usury, by the way is one of the worst because it deals with human beings at the moment of despair.

What steps can I take to avoid pyramid schemes and other fraudulent investment?

If you're a first-time investor or have been investing for many years, there are some basic questions you should ask before committing your hard earned money to an investment.

The SEC sees many investors who might have avoided trouble and losses if they had questions from the start and found the answers with information from independent sources.

When you consider your next investment opportunity, start with these five questions:

  • Is the salesperson licensed?
  • Is the investment registered?
  • How to compare the risks with potential rewards?
  • I understand the investment?
  • Where can I get help?

In this last item to have work in the Attorney General of the State of São Paulo, I can recommend: The best would be to seek the sectors of the Federal Police, or IRS, primarily by getting the "item" unlicensed seller. Pointing out that banking is governed by the Central Bank exclusively a federal body. Because the three cases presented above, the crimes are considered crimes in Brazil as federal.

A few months ago, funds were the rage in Brazilian newspapers and from beginning to end, only had his hands the Ministry of Justice with the Federal Police and the federal judiciary.

As the citation of cases by teaching North American. Often, the North American Department of the Treasury, requesting the cooperation of everyone so that things like these types of investments are pursued by federal police around the world. since most cases end up doing whole governments suffer after a while depending on the deviations of money. For crimes that generate the end they influence indirectly the population.

If someone spent some time giving it a read and wanted to make a case study, could even do research in this area. Because it could see the influences in the world.

Many of the individuals listed as wanted there, or have held, turn out to be elements belonging to other countries that leverage to try business there. Not unlike the Brazil being summoned by the Ombudsman for the North American work in getting hold of one country or established here with fraud and more fraud in that country. Giants and operations happen in the end it has a happy ending or else will be leaving for the famous moment of arrest.

Good weekend everyone.

Benedito Ubiratã

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