
Türkei aus dem Erasmus-Programm?

ErasmusDie Brücke nach Europa wackelt

Fliegt die Türkei aus dem Erasmus-Programm? Die EU ermittelt wegen "Unregelmäßigkeiten". Für deutsche Studenten wäre das schade, für türkische fatal. von Samuel Acker
 18. März 2014  18:59 Uhr


 Good Idea. I noticed some girls and boys 14-16 years of the region of Turkey . They deserve the advisory services of the Erasmus Project ( I think it was better Socrates Project, UNESCO data do not show in the table the development of Turkish girls, I think it has values that needed to be revisited, the percentage in capacity research in exact sciences are different after you live with some girls from different countries . Turkish are more talented in exact sciences, I talked to many , and they asked about areas of study , and I offered advanced areas in Physical Sciences ( mathematics, Statistics and chemical ) and they had a good sense , and respected the necessary threads. Just lost in thought influenced in politics and I think it is dangerous for them , the recruitment policy in Eastern Europe is aggressive and I think irreversible ) .

I had chance to see an entire school , one of the girls insisted on filming your friends and friends in a pick nick harmless weekend . The suggestion can build a field of study was what led them to meet. As crazy as it seems that sense of working for themselves perhaps because they see a problem, I just saw in the young Germans ( those 20-25 ) and young Luxembourgers ( 14-16 ).

But the German girls I’m sure most avenged . Because I noticed some comments on older German they wanted to put in their speeches vision problems by statistical emphasis . This is due to realize that the younger girls start to want more answers in Exact , with statistical analyzes , they were in the eastern part of Germany . You guys can not miss talents to the areas that you guys want . Because the Turkish girls ? I saw a video in a meeting between China and the United States in the U.S. State Department . I’ll be honest . As the idea was commented that the education of girls , I did not think about Chinese girls . Maybe because it is distant from me . I thought in Turkey. I was intrigued because of the distance . And I tried the facebook social network knows them .

I understand the idea of Socrates project because if not mistaken, in 2001 Europe and the European Community was aligned with the desire of UNESCO and the Department of Education of the United States of America . When General Colin Powell he launched a goal, which was only seen in New Iork and Pennsylvania , which was to encourage the education of girls in the fields of exact sciences . New York with their teachers until 2000 separated to better observe the girls who had best performance in hard sciences . Some universities such as MIT and other region of Pennsylvania gave names to the projects and built it . UNESCO at the time built an interesting and stimulating table that was to demonstrate the level of performance of girls compared to boys . This is exciting because they grow old thinking that girls are not better or good in exact sciences . The bad thing is that there was a political call on observation. The statistical values flee in 1-2 per cent of girls’ performance relative to other countries that I noticed . The bad UNESCO , has good ideas , but always fall in call to say that some other countries have something or have something less (demagogy in excess). If they were more real stimulate more . If say for example that the United States or Poland girls are 60 percent compared to 40 percent in men over performance in Exact Sciences would be more concise . And stimulating the poor countries , they want to emphasize. They go after the evolution of these large countries . However , an inversion that there was not much acceptance. But the idea was aligned because when General Colin Powell took the Department of Education that he decided to seize the two states were having success for the rest of the country . The Europe , to my amazement the regions of France to Eastern Europe also began to emphasize the project . Why ? Also by UNESCO , a fairer and less strange values in the table showed how women ended their lives . And almost none ended in exact sciences . As almost no ends in exact sciences , if they have a higher percentage of performance in school life than boys ? I think even this table influenced the appointment of Dean of Harvard . Because , in the UNESCO table they showed a low unviersities deans in the world . Ie , almost no teachers arrive at the position holders . Use the two tables is required to view the low female performance . The exact sciences pay better wages and they have this talent . There are better, they have this talent . That’s why I criticized Mr. Obama . He did not need to put the Korean education system in U.S. I think politic influences took . Because they have the best tradition of educational systems . And I Quote this dept of education I followed the development , which is a dream of many small or rich countries , for 5 years to reach in the education department. They were migrating democratically , without demagoguery . And got built, statistically supported, with experience in North American school rooms.

The inception destroyed many people and jobs around the world, must stop.

Good Week

Benedito Ubirata da Silva

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