
My projection in Electronic Engineering for my use in Geologic Sciences

I’m starting as a beginner. I am currently building an audio amplifier (from the plates already assembled with the power TDA XXXX) however the control Vu Meters I could make the circuit from a circuit that I saw on a website Mexican electronics for beginners. After that start doing good but the transformers used and old transformer in DC amplifier for use in peripherals such as fans, leds and low audio filter (variables in bands from 30 Hz to 600 Hz).
Final goal, I returned to the area of ​​Geosciences I can have the freedom to build my lifting sensors for diverse data in the area of ​​physical chemistry in water, piezometric level sensors, sensor measures temperature sensor water, rocks, sediments, and ice, sensors and various geological area. The basic data processing, I already have long experience, rather than get stuck for lack of funds to purchase the various sensors mentioned above, I noticed that with small cost I can make custom sensors for each type of data collection.
The ultimate goal is to transform the microcontroller circuits. Why? I summarize nearly all operations in a simple language placing the basic collection intervals within a single IC.
With a simple desktop in my house I get to 500 km away, or 1000 km distance, x km distance!
I made this projection to me. Nothing of this projection is overestimated, this whole projection is possible.


Benedito Ubirata

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